Chapter 88: Heading Back (pt.1)

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After there sweet little moment, Sora asked about returning to town.

"You aren't fully healed yet. We should wait." Keyne said.

"We can't. We only planned to leave for a few days to begin with. Kapelin will need help when his father brings the next batch of ingredients, and I can't stay blind like this for days." Sora reasoned.

Keyne couldn't deny that they had a lot to do. Staying away for a week without checking in at the construction site or helping would be unreasonable. Even so, he could not help but worry about Sora.

"Keyne, I'll be fine. We could take Sumi with us. I don't mind riding him again. Although it would be better if we had Gallos. He's fast and we can both ride him together." Sora said. His voice trailing when he thought about Gallos.

"You're right. Having Gallos would be better. I'll call him." Keyne announced. He then went silent while he used his telepathic connection to talk to Gallos.

"Gallos, are you free to come here?" Keyne asked.

He had told Arthek not to lock Gallos up and allow him to do as he pleased when he wasn't working, but he couldn't guarantee Gallos would be able to leave at a moments notice.

"No man can prevent me from doing as I please." Gallos answered. His words coming off a little arrogant.

"I need you to come here and get me and Sora. How soon do you think you can leave?" Keyne asked.

"It's not a problem. I will be there within the hour." said with confidence.

Keyne was grateful to have a reliable monster like Gallos on his team.

"Thank you." He said. He normally would not thank his monsters for doing their tasks, but for Gallos he was always grateful. If not for him and Gwynn he may never have gotten the recognition and become Commander of the Palace Knights.

"Keyne can Gallos come?" Sora asked when he saw Keyne smile and open his eyes.

"He'll be here soon. Let's pack up and get ready to go. If we are quick we should arrive back at the construction site by evening." Keyne said.

"Understood." Sora agreed and got up to help. But Keyne quickly stopped him.

"I'll take care of this. Can you fold the blankets?" Keyne said when he saw Sora reaching for the bag.

Sora knew Keyne was giving him the easier tasks, but he didn't mind. To be honest he realized as he went to grab the bag that he couldn't do it with his eyes, but he was too embarrassed to admit it. Thankfully Keyne had given him a task he could do even blind.


Gallos appeared like a gust of wind. His long flowing mane sparkled in the sunlight. For Sora however he looked like a massive blur.

"I have arrived!" / Neigh!

Sora was surprised by the sudden loud noise. He had noticed Gallos had come but didn't expect him to loudly proclaim his arrival.

"Gallos, you are too loud." Keyne rebuked when he noticed Sora rubbing his ears.

Gallos also seemed to notice and quietly retreated a few steps.


From Gallos' back Midori suddenly fell. Sora saw the lump of green fall from from its back and shouted.

"Keyne, something... Something!" He stuttered while his finger pointed at Midori.

"It's only the little cub. Chuckle*" He was also surprised to see the green cub arrive together with Gallos. But Sora's exaggerated expression was comical and Keyne couldn't help but laugh.

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