Chapter 101: Pollination

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While Sora continued practicing Keyne walked around the area planting the little seedlings at random. He didn't know if the plants would grow without Sora's magic. He didn't know if the plants would mutate. He didn't even know what most of the seeds were. But none of that mattered. It was all an experiment and each plant would help them learn more about Sora's magic.

"Argh!!! Why is this so hard?" Sora shouted in frustration.

He had lost count of how many seeds he had used. All Keyne had asked him to do was sprout two leaves. He succeeded a few times, but never twice in succession. This meant the few times he did succeed were basically flukes.

"Why don't we take a break and have lunch." Keyne suggested to the frustrated Sora.

"Lunch? Don't you mean breakfast." Sora said.

"Sora it's already noon. We've long missed breakfast."

"What? Has it really been that long? I didn't realize. Keyne have I really been doing magic all morning?" Sora found it hard to believe. When he tried using plant magic before he would be exhausted after a few minutes. Now hours had passed and he didn't feel even the slightest bit tired.

"Sora like I mentioned before failed magic is more exhausting than successful magic."

"But won't I get burnout of whatever if I keep it up?" Sora remembered what Keyne had told him and he was a little afraid.

"I'm keeping an eye on you. You aren't in any danger." Keyne said. Sora believed him. He didn't feel tired and he knew Keyne would never let him put himself at risk.

"If you say so." Sora replied. He then stood and stretched his stiff body. Apparently sitting for so long was harder on him than using magic.

With magic practice put on hold Sora and Keyne returned to the house to eat. He looked at the shelf and debated what to make for lunch. He wanted something different.

"Wait don't I have a ton of seeds? I could mature them and make a vegetable stir fry or ratatouille depending on what's available. Oh, but most of the plants were kept as sprout. I don't know what they are yet..."

"We have plenty of seeds. If you want to mature them it's fine. I'm also curious if the plants grown through your magic will be able to bear fruit." Keyne said when he heard Sora's muttering.

"I didn't consider that. Normally plants need to cross pollinate and blah blah blah to bear fruit or vegetables to grow. Will I have to do that manually? Or will they automatically pollinate through magic?" Sora thought as he searched through the bag of seeds.

He recognized some of the seeds. The one he pulled out appeared to be corn. He hadn't eaten corn in a long time and was looking forward to having a chance to eat it again.

With seed in hand Sora first magically sprouted the seed. He didn't try to stop at two leaves this time and went directly to a small plant approximately ten centimetres tall.

"Keyne help me plant it." Sora said as he held the little plant.

Keyne had already anticipated his needs and had dug several small holes. Sora smiled and placed the small plant inside one of them. He then patted the soil lightly and once again used his magic with the intent of growing the plant.

He must have used too much as the plant shot to over two meters tall in an instant. There were also flowers.

"Sora try giving it a small amount of magic. Focus on producing the fruit."

Sora nodded and tried while thinking of the the fruit but he failed. The flowers bloomed and died soon after. Unfortunately, in there place Sora did not see any fruit.

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