Chapter 1: What's his Problem?

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"Haru, have you read the latest chapter of 'I was summoned to the land of of sea, but I don't know how to swim'?" A young woman with straight black shoulder length hair asked.

"I have. It's incredible! I love how the main character isn't one of those fragile girls who asks everyone to help her all the time." Haru replied.

"I know, right? I mean she could have easily asked the  Archmage to cast a spell so she could swim right from the beginning, but she chose to work hard and learn how to swim herself."

"I hate it when the author solves all the main characters problems using magic. I get that magic is this miraculous thing that can make anything and everything, but it's the struggles that make the novel really shine for me. What about you Miki?"

"I agree. I love isekai novels but when the author only uses magic to solve every problem it's just not that interesting." Miki replied.

"What are you talking about?" An older woman asked. She wasn't much older than the other two, perhaps only 10 years, but her demeanour was considerably more mature.

"The new isekai novel called 'I was summoned to the land of of Sea, but I don't know how to swim'. Have you read it Ms. Tanaka?"

"I haven't. But I love reading isekai. The thought that you could be summoned to a new world full of magic and magical creatures, it's so romantic and exciting." Ms Tanaka said with a youthful blush.

"You must read it. The main character is an office lady named Yuki who was walking home one day after being dumped by her scumbag boyfriend. Depressed and alone she was suddenly summoned to the world of Seapia.
It's this mystical water-world Archipelago. The Kingdom of Seapia summons the main character because they are being threatened by the demonic bird tribes that live in the sky on these floating islands.
The main character agrees to help save their world and travels from island to island gathering comrades along the way..." " Haru began describing the novel enthusiastically.

"This is a place of business. Please refrain from speaking about personal topics until after work."

"What's wrong with discussing the books we like. This is a library." Haru said.

"Leave him alone. Mr Watanabe probably only ever reads informational texts. What could he possible know about the joys of reading a good isekai." Miki mocked.

"A lot can be learned from informational texts. Much more than those books that make abduction and slavery sound romantic and fun." Watanabe replied.

"Abduction and slavery? How messed up do you need to be to mistake a classic genre like isekai with abduction and slavery?"

"You think I'm wrong? Then tell me what is the definition of abduction? Slavery? Because my definition describes the act of taking someone against their will or knowledge and having that person act according to the will of their master as forms of abduction and slavery." Mr Watanabe explained in his usual cold and unwelcoming manner.

"You don't get it. Yes, they were summoned without their permission but they choose to stay and help. They are heroes not slaves. People who rise up to fight evil for the greater good."

"It's idiotic. The very premise that a world needs to rely on some stranger from another world to avoid being destroyed is flawed. No one man or woman can hold that much influence on the fate of the planet." Mr Watanabe retorted as he adjusted his glasses.

"She doesn't do it alone. She and her comrades work together to defeat the evil that plagues the world." Haru said.

"If she needs comrades, why couldn't they solve the problem without her? Is one person really what makes the difference between saving the world or its destruction? It's illogical. Not to mention all the other plot holes regarding the summoned person's lack of training or knowledge, their apparent nature that drives them to save a strange world, or even the very fact that these people not once miss their family and friends but simply accept that they will never see them again. It's ridiculous." Mr Watanabe said disdainful of the genre.

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