Chapter 10: Exploring the City

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Sora couldn't relax. Feeling anxious about the king's final decision he began pacing around the room. Keynes watched and decided to step in.

"Sora, would you like to go into to the city?" He suggested hoping it would distract him.

"Can I?" Sora asked cautiously.

Keyne was surprised by Sora's question. "You can. Why did you think you couldn't? Sora you've always been able to leave whenever you wanted. You are not a prisoner." Keyne reminded him.

"You're right. I just... No, it doesn't matter what I thought. Let's go. I'd like to see the city." Sora said. He couldn't explain why but subconsciously he was overlapping his current situation with his abduction from when he was younger.

At that time, they would allow him to move about the house as though he were free, but any attempt to leave was met with resistance. It took years after being rescued  before he finally felt comfortable leaving his aunt and uncle's place without asking permission repeatedly. Even after being given permission, he wouldn't stay out long and would be anxious and afraid the entire time he was out.

While captured he dreamt of all the things he would do once free. However, after he was rescued he spent months afraid of the freedom he had finally gained. A response the doctor's said was perfectly natural.

"I thought I was handling the situation well. That I wasn't acting like a victim. But it seems I've been subconsciously thrown back to that time again." Sora thought to himself.

Keyne could see that although Sora said he wanted to go, his mood had worsened. "Sora, are you okay?" Keyne asked.

"I'm fine. This situation just reminded me of an incident that happened when I was younger. It's nothing. Let's go." Sora said as he tried to show Keyne a reassuring smile.

Unfortunately, it only made Keyne more worried. But worried or not he understood Sora didn't intend to say more, so he grabbed a bag and escorted Sora out of the castle.


Leaving the castle was much easier than Sora thought. The large front gate was wide open and Keyne simply nodded and was let through without any resistance or question. "Is it safe for the palace to be so lax with security?" Sora wondered.

"Sora tell me, what do you want to do first?" Keyne asked as they stood outside the palace gates. Sora was about to speak when he stopped in shock. A horse drawn carriage pulled up. However it wasn't a horse. It was a dazzling white unicorn with a sharp crystal horn majestically protruding from its forehead.


"Sorry, I've never seen a unicorn before." Sora admitted his eyes never leaving the unicorn. Keyne smiled at how cute Sora looked as he stared in a trance at the sight his hand fidgeting as though he wanted to leap forward to touch it.

In this world it was true most could only afford the kirin, a four hooved animal with hard scales and strong body. It was better suited for hard work and more manageable. Whereas the unicorn was used more with nobles who could afford lighter carriages and valued speed and beauty above all else.

"Do you like the unicorn?" Keyne asked.

"It's beautiful. Can... Can I touch it?" Sora asked cautiously. Keyne laughed at his question. "Come here." Keyne said as he walked over to the carriage. Sora followed along and was soon face to face with the beautiful unicorn.

Keyne took the lead and rubbed the unicorn's neck and forehead. Sora watched his eyes glistening in excitement. Keyne then grabbed Sora's trembling hand and held it up to the unicorn. The unicorn gently sniffed his hand before lowering its head. Keyne then placed Sora's hand on the unicorn's smooth and soft forehead. With a beautiful and pure smile on his face Sora pet the unicorn happily.

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