Chapter 139: Sleep talk

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Keyne and Sora lay in bed warmly embracing each other. Staring into each others ey s as they enjoyed the moment. Keyne unlike Sora hadn't slept and was barely keeping his eyes open.

"I want to talk to Genevieve." Sora suddenly asked.

Keyne's eyes that had begun to close shot open. Thinking it was his imagination he looked at Sora with a blank stare.

"Do you not want me to talk to her?" Sora asked when Keyne didn't say anything.

"If you want to talk to her that's fine. I'm just a little surprised. I didn't think you'd want see her let alone talk to her."

"She infuriates me, but she is someone from your past and I think it's necessary we talk." Sora said.

"Can I ask what you plan on saying to her?" Keyne tentatively asked.

"Does it matter?" Sora snapped than he immediately regretted it.

"Sorry. I... I feel like I need to talk to her and understand her more. Right now she's this unknown thing from your past and I hate it. Maybe if we talk I won't feel as upset whenever something involves her." Sora said after some thought. Keyne hugged Sora tight in his arms.

"If you want to talk to her I'll set it up. I'm also willing to talk with you about anything and everything. Any questions you might have just ask. I'll tell you. I won't hide anything from you." Keyne said.

Sora took a deep breath. "The smell of chamomile. Keyne's smell." He thought as he relaxed in Keyne's arms. His body was neither boiling from rage nor cold. It was perfectly warm and comfortable.

As Sora snuggled up close Keyne could feel himself falling asleep. Just as he was about to drift off Sora once again spoke.

"Keyne, I'm really sorry about how I acted today."

"No need to apologize. You were upset. You are allowed to feel upset. All I ask is that you don't run away next time." Keyne muttered half asleep.

"Sorry, I went too far. I even destroyed the Adventurers Guild training room and attacked you and the Prince. I need to apologize to him too. He was only trying to help but I... Sigh* Keyne, I have a lot of apologizing to do." Sora said.

"Mm. It's okay sweetheart." Keyne whispered his hand mechanically rubbing Sora's back to comfort him. Noticing Keyne's halfhearted response Sora looked up to find Keyne peacefully laying still with his eyes closed.

"Keyne?" Sora whispered. Keyne grumbled in response never once opening his eyes. His hand patting Sora's back lightly. Before once again stopping. Curious Sora called out again.

"Keyne, I love you."

"Mm... luv you. Mmm..." Keyne quietly mumbled. Finding it interesting Sora called out again.

"I'm sorry."

"Mm... sorry...Mmm..."

"Are you angry?"

"Hmm... love you..."

"Are you happy?"

"... Always... Mmhhm..."

Sora continued his little question and answer game with the sleeping Keyne for a few more minutes before finally feeling satisfied. He snuggled up close and closed his eyes to sleep.


The next morning Keyne woke up with a smile. Sora had predictably clamped on to him during the night and although he was a little uncomfortable physically, his heart couldn't be more comfortable and at ease.

Knock... knock

Despite his bliss the knocking at the door reminded him it was morning.

"Who the hell is it this early in the morning?" He cursed as he slowly wiggled his way out of Sora's grip. Opening the door he was far from pleasant.

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