Chapter 90: New Glasses (pt. 1)

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The boat ride was without incident. Keyne and Sora disembarked when they reached the dock. Before leaving Keyne tipped Captain Arlo.

"Thank you for the ride."

"No problem. If y'a need a ride back just give me a holler. I usually go back and forth every few days." Captain Arlo said.

"I'll be sure to remember." Keyne kept his offer in mind. It was never a bad thing to have a few more acquaintances with boats.

Now at the docks Keyne decided to first find an inn for Sora and himself. He wanted to give Sora a quiet place to rest before they did anything else.

"Keyne, do you know where to go for my glasses?" Sora asked.

"I do. We'll head over there later."

"Can't we go now?" Sora asked.

"Sora, the glasses can wait. You need rest."

"I rested on the boat. Glasses can take time to figure out. They'll need to test my eyes and then there's the time it takes to make them. The sooner we go, the better." Sora said. His desire to get new glasses evident by how rushed he seemed.

Keyne debated in his head. On the one hand he wanted Sora to rest, while on the other he didn't want Sora to continue worrying about his poor eyesight.

"We can go, all I ask is that you tell me if you start feeling worse. Sora, you're glasses can wait but you're health can't. If you start to feel unwell I need to know." Keyne said.

"I will."

Sora felt better knowing they were leaving to get his glasses. Once he had his glasses back he would no longer be a large burden on Keyne. They could do what was needed in regards to the construction and things would progress more smoothly.

With things decided, Sora headed in the direction of the ophthalmologist. Coincidentally the doctor wasn't very far. Seeing it Keyne changed his steps and headed to the doctor instead.

When Keyne opened the door Sora could smell the bitter medicine. "Keyne are ophthalmologists also doctors in this world?"

"No, they are more similar to craftsmen. We are stopping at the doctor's first to get you some medication." Keyne said.

"Don't you already have medication for me?"

"I do, but it's a general anti-inflammatory, and pain killer, I want to get something more specific." Keyne said.

"Keyne, Sora. Back so soon? Are you feverish again?" The doctor asked when he saw them.

"Not this time. He was injured and needs some medication." Keyne said.

"Is that so? Are you unable to use your magic to heal him?" The doctor asked. Although Keyne had never explicitly said he could use healing magic he was a good judge of character and highly perceptive. He could tell right away that Keyne was strong and adept at magic.

"I healed him as much as possible. I won't be able to do it again for a few days." Keyne admitted.

"His injuries must have been serious. Allow me to take a look." The doctor showed Keyne and Sora to one of the back rooms to examine him.

"Your ribs have suffered a great deal of damage and strain. The fractures are healed enough to not be dangerous, but you need to be careful if reinjury. I'll give you something for the pain. And something in case you run a fever later." The doctor said after finishing his exam.

They thanked the doctor and they were once again on their way to get Sora a new pair of glasses.


Walking into the store Keyne was greeted by a thin frail looking man with glasses. The display cases had glasses and other fine glass work on display. Keyne hadn't told Sora but ophthalmologists in this world were also known for their glass craftsmanship.

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