Chapter 110: New Recipes (pt.1)

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"Keyne, did I miss anything?" Sora asked after listing all the different types of plants they had seeds for

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"Keyne, did I miss anything?" Sora asked after listing all the different types of plants they had seeds for.

Sora had spent the last few hours bringing two of every type of plant to flowering. They then pollinated and matured the ones they didn't recognize until they could see what kind of plants they were.

Thankfully, the larger plants such as the grape, lime, and fur fruit didn't need to be fully matured because Keyne recognized them. These plants were big and they wouldn't be able to pollinate all the the flowers in just a couple hours.

Not only did he recognize the larger plants Keyne recognized a lot of the others and they could stop at the flowering stage. For the ones they couldn't identify they needed to mature and have them bear fruit to know what they are. Now they had a ton of vegetables and fruit piled in the few crates they had.

"That's all of them." Keyne said. He, much like Sora, was surprised by the variety they got from the mystery bag of seeds. Add to that the anana fruit seeds and potato they had a good mix.

"I like having such a wide variety but I don't think I need to make all of them for the shop." Sora said as he looked at all the fruits and vegetables.

"It certainly is a lot."

"Keyne, which of these are the most popular? We'll pick two or three to grow regularly. I also want to pick two or three sweet ones to make jam plus I need the chillies. Those are very important." Sora concluded after looking over the list and the surrounding plants.

"Sounds good." Keyne said. Sora waited to hear if Keyne had more to say. However he remained silent.

"Are you not going to make a suggestion?" Sora asked.

"I'm not a cook and everything you've made has always been delicious. I trust you'll make the right decision." Keyne innocently answered.

Sora let out a long sigh before making his decision. "In that case, for the jams some plumberries, strawbarb, lime, and fur fruit. I can make pickles with the carrots, cabbage, and cucumbers. To sell fresh I think tomatoes, eggplant, and corn would be best... But carrots and brocobush are also good.
It might also be nice to sell watermelon as a sweet snack, plus they are big and refreshing. Then again, the weather is getting colder so watermelon might not be great... I could also make sweet and sour sauce if I had more anana fruit... I can't not have bell peppers... Ugh* Keyne stop standing there and help me!" Sora exclaimed.

He had been trying to decide what would be best to plant for over ten minutes tearing page after page out of his notebook in frustration because he couldn't narrow the choices down.

"Alternate." Keyne said.

"... Is that all? Are you not going to elaborate?" Sora said while giving him an irritated look.

"Choose one type of jam and the vegetables you want for dinner. Then choose a different type of jam and what you want for dinner for the next day. Not everyday needs to be the same. You can even choose to make jam one day and pickles the next." Keyne said. He then paused and looked at Sora to see if he agreed so far before continuing on.

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