Chapter 68: Quiet Day

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By the time they finished speaking with Arthek the sun had already begun to lower in the sky. Hurrying home they decided to start on dinner.

"Sora are you okay staying in here while I check on the monsters?" Keyne asked after they put the lasagna in the oven to cook.

"That's fine. Don't forget to bring Midori and Marimo inside." Sora added.

Keyne couldn't help but frown. Having them in the house meant Sora wouldn't be as focused on him. Despite his own thoughts however he still intended to do as Sora wanted.

"I'll be back soon. Shout if you need anything." Keyne said before once again leaving the house.

Sitting alone in the kitchen Sora smiled. The day hadn't gone as planned but he was happy with how it ended.

"It's costing us a lot but the house will be perfect. Plus it'll be done quickly. From the way Arthek was describing things it shouldn't take more than a month to get it done." Sora smiled at the prospect of being able to live in his own house within a month.

Feeling thirsty he walked over to the ice-box and poured himself a glass of cool water.

"The part that will take the longest is the aqueduct. But that could change. He mentioned having to talk with the crew that specialize in waterways and wells first." Sora expected the aqueduct to be the most challenging part of the build.

When he discussed the design with Keyne he realized his knowledge was slightly different from the common designs used in this world. Realizing this he decided to follow the craftsmen lead and do whatever was best.

"If things go to plan we should be able to start sending people over starting next week. Keyne And I can move there as well and if we bring Gallos we won't need this place anymore. It will be rough living but that's fine." Sora thought as he imagined living in the new place.


Keyne quickly finished taking care of Gallos and checking on the kelpie. Once done he returned to the kitchen. Rushing ahead of him was Marimo and Midori who excitedly ran over.

"You're back. Perfect timing, help me set up the table and we can eat dinner." Sora said.


"Marimo calm down. Hahaha. It's been awhile Midori." Sora said as he was warmly greeted by the two little monsters.

Keyne watched as the two little monsters cuddled and clung to Sora. A sour feeling building deep in his chest.

"Keyne, can you grab the vegetables I made for Midori?" Sora said as he scratched the little green cub's belly.

Keyne gave a weird smirk as he grabbed the bowl of vegetables. When Sora looked away Keyne glared at the little Midori who was drooling. He then carried the bowl out of the kitchen and into the living room. The young Midori ran behind with its tongue sticking out of its mouth.

Sora laughed at the scene. "He looks so stupidly cute." Sora thought as he watched the little cub jump up and try to reach the bowl of vegetables in his hand.

"Stop teasing him." Sora said with a smile.

Keyne looked at the little cub. He was actually starting to feel a little guilty hearing it shout in his head.

"Food! Food! Food! Papa, gimme food! Mama's food is soooo delicious!!" Midori shouted telepathically for Keyne as it continued to jump and beg.

No longer finding it interesting Keyne lowered the bowl of food and returned to the kitchen.


Dinner went over well. Keyne nearly devoured the entire pan on his own.

"Keyne, is it delicious?" Sora asked as he wiped a little tomato sauce from the corner of his lips.

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