Chapter 17: Storage

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Knock... knock...

Sora heard a knock at the door and immediately stood up. Despite his quick reaction Butler Hanz was faster and answered the door before he could take a step in its direction.

Keyne was surprised to see Butler Hanz the moment the door opened. "Head Butler Hanz, it is a pleasure to see you again." Keyne said awkwardly.

He and Butler Hanz weren't on bad terms, but they did often exchange words when it came to palace security. Butler Hanz preferred very strict and organized tasks and schedules. Whereas Keyne believed that predictability in security adds risk and that frequent changes would hinder anyone who dares to attempt an attack.

Because of these differences Butler Hanz often complained when Keyne's changes interfered with his carefully planned schedules. While Keyne would complain when Butler Hanz would disrupt his men's surveillance and security checks with maids and other staff cleaning and so on. In the end both could not help but grimace at the sight of the other.

"The pleasure is mine. Now that you have arrived we can proceed to the palace storage and begin the task at hand." Butler Hanz said with some displeasure in his voice.

Although he had seemed calm and willing to wait for Keyne as per Sora's request, the reality was the opposite. Having to wait had disrupted his schedule and was thus an annoyance. Even more so because it was because of Keyne.

Despite his annoyance Butler Hanz was a professional and would not reveal his displeasure to Sora. Keyne on the other hand noticed immediately. However he did not care if Hanz was upset. His only interest was what Sora thought of him arriving late.

"Sora, I'm sorry for being late. Things took longer than expected. Was everything okay while I was away?" Keyne said as he walked into the room.

"It was fine. Although I do have a few questions I'd like to ask you." Sora said as he picked up several papers from the table.

"Are you okay if we discuss it as we walk or do you prefer to sit down and talk before leaving for the Storage room?" Keyne asked.

Butler Hanz couldn't help but frown at the suggestion. If Sora chose to sit and postpone there plans his schedule would fall further behind.

"Butler Hanz has been kind enough to wait until now. We can't delay him any longer." Sora said before picking up his notebook and papers and preparing to leave.

Butler Hanz smiled at Sora's words. "If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask me along the way. My knowledge and understanding of household appliances, furniture, maintenance, cleaning, and cooking are extensive." Butler Hanz offered with pride.Hearing his words Sora was glad Hanz might know the answer to some of his questions.


"Keyne I was wondering if there are any appliances for washing and drying clothes as well as other cleaning equipment." Sora asked as they stepped into the hall.

"There are machines that help wash and clean dirty clothes and linen, however drying requires the items to be hung outside in the Sun. Although when the weather is rainy or when the weather cools in the winter many individuals use wind magic to dry clothes indoors." Butler Hanz said before Keyne had the chance to get a single word in.

"Is that so. May I ask if there are appliances for food preservation? I am aware of the ice box but is there anything that can be used to dry or cure food?" Sora continued as he looked at Hanz.

Keyne's brow furrowed when he saw Sora ask Butler Hanz. "It depends on the method you wish to use to preserve the food. If it's meat smoking the food is common , whereas fruits and vegetables are commonly dried outside in the sun or can be preserved in jars as pickles or jams." Keyne said quickly before Hanz could answer.

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