Chapter 112: Delicious

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Keyne returned with two plump blade birds, bags full of things Sora needed, a ladder, and a smile on his face. As he approached the little cabin his mouth began to water from the smell.

"This is nice." Keyne thought. He could imagine what the future would feel like once their house was built. An amazing future where they leisurely spend there days together.

"Keyne, you're back. Perfect timing." Sora said. He had just pulled the scones out and placed them on the table to cool when he heard Gallos trotting over.

"I'm home, my sweet husband." Keyne said before dismounting Gallos.

"Did you miss me?" Keyne added as he held his arms out. He tried to smile but looked a little solemn when he recalled the last time he was welcomed back.

"Keyne? What's wrong?" Sora asked when he saw Keyne's dark expression.

"Nothing. I just love you and missed you." Keyne said before hugging Sora tight.

"I love you, too."

The two stood there for a few minutes before Sora pulled away.

"Keyne I made scones and I finished my first batch of spicy jam. Well it's more of a spicy sweet jam, but I think it will be delicious. Come inside and try some. I want to know what you think."

Keyne gave Sora a light kiss. "Sounds delicious." He said before taking Sora's hand and following him into their little cabin.

Keyne saw the freshly made and still warm scones sitting on the table to cool.

"They look delicious." Keyne said with hungry eyes.

Sora was glad to see his mood had improved. He sat Keyne down and went to the little ice box to grab the jam.

The jam had time to cool but was still a little more liquid than Sora would have liked.

"I think I need to add slime next time to make it a little thicker." Sora said as he spooned a large dollop on one of the scones he had sliced open.

"It seems a little runny, but it smells delicious." Keyne said.

Sora passed him half the scone smothered in jam. He thought Keyne would take it from him but instead Keyne leaned forward and took a large bite out of it while it was still in Sora's hand.

Sora was a little surprised but he didn't pull away. He watched as Keyne savoured the taste. Staring at him Sora waited to hear what Keyne had to say about his latest recipes.

Keyne always ate quickly. But at this very moment he purposefully ate slow.

"Stop delaying and tell me what hat you think?" Sora urged.

"Don't you always tell me to slow down and savour the food. Now you want me to rush? What if I choke?" Keyne said with a light laugh.

"Keyne." Sora grumbled.


"Don't worry, Sweetheart. It tastes delicious. It's sweeter than I expected, but it goes really well with these scones. I think people will love it for their bread or maybe adding it to BBQ? I'm not much of a cook but I think it would be good on meat, maybe on a sandwich?" Keyne said.

Sora took a bite of what was left of the scone Keyne bit into. Like Keyne he savoured the taste, but unlike Keyne he wasn't doing it to be funny.

"It's not bad, but I prefer the one using pectin so it's thicker and with a touch of lime. Once I get the recipes from Jameson and know how to use slime in cooking I'll make the other version." Sora said.

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