Chapter 120: Story Time

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Keyne swiftly elbowed Prince Jodi in the gut and pulled him to his right side far from Sora. Sora was oblivious to Keyne's rough methods but thankful the Prince was no longer hanging off of him.

Prince Jodi wanted to complain but could only groan in protest.

"Sora sweetheart, why don't you go ahead first. I have a few things I'd like to discuss with the Prince." Keyne suggested with an innocent smile.

"Sure. I'll wait for you on the boat." Sora said before walking ahead.

"Hey, why did you have to hit me so hard?" Prince Jodi finally managed to say.

"You deserve a lot worse after trying to molest my husband." Keyne shot back angrily.

"Wait, what? I thought it was all good. We were joking about it just a few minutes ago." The prince was in shock at Keyne's sudden mood swing.

"That was only so Sora doesn't think I'm a jealous overprotective brute. It has nothing to do with you."

"Are you saying you pretended it was okay so he'd think you were understanding and easygoing? Sorry to burst your bubble but that ship has sailed a long time ago."

"What do you mean?" Keyne asked while grabbing Prince Jodi's shirt collar.

"Calm down. It isn't a bad thing. In fact it's a bit cute." Prince Jodi said while raising his hands in defeat.

However hearing the Prince use the word cute did not quell Keyne's anger but rather fuelled it more. He tightened his grip and raised the Prince up higher until he needed to stand on his tip-toes.

"What do you mean?" Keyne asked again through gritted teeth.

"Look, when I was charming him in the alley he was very direct. He immediately told me he was married while covering his mouth so I wouldn't be able to steal a kiss."

Pleased after hearing how Sora acted, Keyne lowered the prince but still did not let go of his shirt collar.

"Then when I didn't back down he threatened me. Saying how his big strong husband was going to break every bone in my body if I dared to touch him. How his husband was not only strong and handsome but also very protective and jealous. It was really cute how desperate he was to scare me away." Prince Jodi continued. It was a little exaggerated but not too far off from the truth.

The corner of Keyne's lip curled up in satisfaction. Being thought of as an overprotective jealous man wasn't ideal but he liked how Sora mentioned him in order to dissuade and escape a tough situation.

"It's so cute how he boasted about me." He mused.

Keyne stopped thinking about how cute Sora was and instead redirected his attention to Prince Jodi.

"If you ever try to touch or make him feel uncomfortable again. I'll make good on Sora's threat and break every bone in your body." Keyne threatened.

"Are you part Two-faced Slymoo or something? How can your mood change from one extreme to the other so quickly?" Prince Jodi whined.

"I'm serious. I don't care who you hit on but Sora is off limits." Keyne reiterated while pulling Prince Jodi close.

"What kind of man do you take me for? I have never knowingly tried to seduce a friend's or even an acquaintance's love interest. I swear I didn't know he was your husband. If I had I never would have done that." Prince Jodi said.

Keyne knew how lascivious the Prince could be. He also knew the Prince had a strict moral code about never hitting on another man's or woman's love interest. Even if it was just a crush he would bow out and find another target without question.

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