Chapter 104: Get Lost

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Keyne looked out on the horizon with narrow eyes. He could see a very distinctive and flashy boat approaching. He had no doubts it belonged to a noble.

"Seriously, a boat like that is just begging to be attacked." Keyne thought with derision.

"Keyne it may be presumptuous of me to ask but have we been waiting for them?" Captain Kaver asked. His finger pointing towards the gaudy boat.

"It is. Can you move forward to intercept it?" Keyne said.

Captain Kaver had been working as a fisherman for years and could recognize that the boat belonged to that of a noble. The flag with the elaborate crest waving in the wind only proved his point.

Despite the fact it was a noble's boat Keyne did not seem to waver in his decision. If Keyne wasn't concerned than he had no reason to worry and so Kaver headed towards the boat.

When they were close enough to see the people on the boat Keyne had Kaver stop. He then stepped high on the bow and used empowering magic to magnify his voice so they could hear him.

"This is private property. Get lost!" He said. His tone gruff and domineering.

Hearing his words everyone on the boat was flabbergasted. Even Captain Kaver was shocked by how rude Keyne was speaking. He had always known Keyne to be polite.

"We are here on official business for the the Duke of Norvich, Lord Harrow. Let us pass." A man who wore equally gaudy clothes that matched well with the boat said. His voice like Keyne's was amplified through the use of magic.

"As personal knight escort to the Honorary Guest of the King Sir Sora and ex commander of the palace knights I will only say if once more. Get lost! Otherwise I will be inclined to force your departure." Keyne proclaimed angrily. This time however he was more official with his statement.

He hated having to use Sora's title. Especially considering Captain Kaver was within listening distance. Even so, it was the easiest way to get rid of the pests.

"We cannot leave. There have been reports of a powerful spell being cast in this area. We must investigate it. The cause of this spell could potentially harm the country. It is a matter of national security. Our orders are to let nothing get in the way of our investigation." The man said.

He smugly looked at Keyne as though he had the upper hand because he used the countries safety as a cause. Keyne however didn't care. He raised his hand and said one last thing before casting a tidal wave that nearly sank their boat.

"This is our home. I will not let you defile it. Get lost!"

Captain Kaver held tight at the helm. The wave was directed at the other boat but with the amount of water moved his boat could not escape completely untouched.

"How dare you?! Lord Harrow will have your head for this!" The man said as he and his crew tried to keep the boat from capsizing.

The creases on Keyne's brow deepened. Keyne did not appreciate being threatened. He cast another three waves until the boat finally capsized and the men were left desperately swimming.

"Murderer! Help us!" The man called out again. This time his voice was slightly muffled by the water.

Captain Kaver wanted to grab the life preserves and throw them overboard to help the men. He was a fisherman who had lived on the lake all his life. It might not have been as dangerous as the ocean but they still followed the code.

Keyne watched as Kaver quickly reached for the life preserves with the intention of helping the trespassers. He didn't stop him. But he did address the man in the water.

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