Chapter 49: Exploration Day 1

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With full stomachs and sufficient rest everyone was raring to go. Rogue in particular was excited to go deeper into the forest and meet some more challenging monsters.

For the first day they decided to investigate the area near the shore. They followed the shoreline North before turning inwards and heading back south. Their path similar to a half circle.

"It's so peaceful here!" Rogue moaned. Apparently dissatisfied with the lack of danger. They had only seen horned rabbits, slimes, and a few small bird monsters called blade birds.

These birds reminded Sora of pheasants. They seemed harmless enough but apparently if they were approached they would shoot their sharp feathers towards the attacker. Keyne said the feathers were as sharp as knives.

Bored from the lack of entertainment Rogue ran out towards the pheasant monster just up ahead.

"The blade bird flapped its wings and with a green glow several dozen feathers flew forward through the air. Rogue was no stranger to hunting blade birds. He expertly dodged the incoming projectiles and in one swift motion killed the bird with a backhanded chop.

"He's like those martial artist from TV. Only he's fighting a bird not a person." Sora thought as he quietly stayed by Keyne's side.

With the bird dead Rogue turned and tossed it over to Keyne. "Hey Keyne! These things aren't as tasty as cockatrice but can ya cook it for dinner?" Rogue shouted.

Sora looked at the bird. It wasn't easy to tell with the feathers still covering it but at best it was the size of a Cornish hen. Maybe a little larger.

"If you want them for dinner I suggest one per person. Two if you're really hungry." Sora replied. "I can make veggie chicken in the fire." Sora mused as he began planning the night's menu.

"Got it!" Rogue called back before running off into the forest in search of more blade birds.

"Keyne have you found anymore wild edible plants yet?" Sora asked. He wanted to make a salad or roasted vegetables to go with the blade bird. Currently they found a few mushrooms and tart berries. But they still didn't have enough to feed nine people.

"I'll keep looking." Keyne said with a smile. The others may have felt bored but for Keyne he was glad the place they would call home was safe. It also solidified his guess that an elder Treant was making the area its home.


By the time the sun began to sit low in the sky they had searched the shoreline and a small part of the forest. To the North there seemed to be a rocky knoll that extended into the lake roughly 200m. When they reached the southern edge of the shore they found some more rocks. These were not as high as in the North nor did they extend out into the Lake. They were more like boulders.

They climbed on top of the rocks to get a better view of the lake. It was beautiful.

"Should we make the dock by where we landed and have the house a little further away? Maybe atop these rocks? Or would it be better in the centre of the inlet?"

Sora was trying to choose the area they could build the house. While Keyne was observing the lake for signs of any large monsters.

"Let's find the area you'd like to plant the farm. Then you can decide where the house and Rick as well as the other building should be located." Keyne suggested.

"You're right. I'm being too hasty." Sora agreed before lowering the notebook in his hands.

Because the job was to survey the land Gene was making a rough map of the area for them. Even so, it didn't stop Sora from making one of his own and writing everything they found and what the land looked like in his notebook.

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