Chapter 72: Elder Treant Pt.2

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Author's note: In case it hasn't been clear, words written in Italic are telepathic communication only Keyne and the monsters understand. I sometimes forget to do the font change but It's a bit more important in this chapter.



Soon the forest grew more ominous. Sora could feel the magic energy and his feet grew heavier with each step.

Keyne bent down in front of Sora. "Climb up. I'll carry you from this point." Keyne said.

Sora was reluctant at first, but the longer he stood in the forest the worse he felt. "Keyne is this really okay? It feels strange." Sora said.

"That's the Treant's magic. It's a type of intimidation that uses a person's basic instincts to drive them away. The closer we get the worse it will feel. But you don't have to worry. I'm right here with you. I'll protect you." Keyne said.

Sora no longer hesitated and grabbed Keyne's back. "If I'm too heavy or get in the way tell me. I'll walk." Sora said despite tightly grabbing hold of Keyne's shoulders.

Leyne quietly headed towards the Treant. His steps sturdy and strong.


"I feel nauseous." Sora though as he pressed his face against Keyne's back. The pressure or 'intimidation' was making things difficult for him.

"Sora just a little further. Once we get close enough I can stop its 'intimidation' and you'll feel a lot better." Keyne said.

Keyne had begun regretting his decision to take Sora along. He knew Treants had the intimidation skill, but he didn't think it would be so effective against Sora.

He debated whether to turn around, but the Treant knew they were there and he could no longer guarantee Sora would be safe alone.

A few more minutes passed before they finally reached a large tree. It's long flowing branches swaying in the wind. Each branch hung long strings of beautiful flowers.

At first Sora thought it was a weeping willow. The way the leaves cascade down like a waterfall. But with the beautiful periwinkle flowers he now likened it more to a wisteria tree.

"It's beautiful." Sora whispered. His eyes enraptured by the beauty.

"Sora, hold tight." Keyne warned before sprinting forward.

Suddenly the tree's gentle swaying branches began moving towards Keyne with great force.

Keyne quickly dodged the branches as they wiped past. The sound of the attack sent a cold chill down Sora's back as he wrapped his arms tight around Keyne.

Keyne didn't stop. He continued to dodge and move closer to the tree's trunk. His feet light as he stepped on the twisting roots underneath, like giant worms surfacing.

Keyne didn't stop until he was face to face with an ominous looking tree knot. The way it formed resembled the face of an old woman.

"Stop!" Keyne shouted once face to face with the Elder Treant.

"Why should I stop? You who have desecrated my land are the one who should stop!" The Elder Treant cursed.

"We are here to talk." Keyne said.

"Talk? What is there to talk about?" The Treant scoffed.

"My husband and I plan to build our home on this land. We don't want to rid this land of your benefits. But if an agreement cannot be reached we will have no choice." Keyne said. His words sounding polite but the threat was easily spotted.

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