Chapter 75: The Rings (pt.1)

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Sora woke up feeling nauseous. His first thought after opening his eyes was to look for a bathroom to vomit.

Keyne had of course noticed his distress. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" Keyne asked from the helm.

Sora quickly stood up and ran to the edge of the boat.


The sound of him vomiting was loud and distinct.


Keyne exclaimed as he ran to Sora's side. His hand gently patting his back as Sora vomited what little was in his stomach. When the vomiting finally ceased Sora was met with another pain.

With tears in his eyes he elbowed Keyne in the gut. Effectively doing more damage to himself than Keyne.

"Ow!" He grumbled as he slumped down.

Keyne didn't care about suddenly being hit by Sora and quickly caught him. "Sweetheart are you okay? Just wait a little longer we're almost at the docks. I'll take you to the doctor the moment we arrive." Keyne said as he held the weak and exhausted Sora.

"No. I'm nauseous from the boat and sore from last night." Sora finally mustered the strength to say while Keyne carried him back to the little nest of blankets and pillows he had made him.

"Nauseous from the boat? But you didn't have any problems before. Then again the water is a little rougher today with the wind." Keyne noted.

Keyne was thankful for the strong winds because it meant they could reach town sooner, but now he stared at the sail with hatred.

"I'm sorry Sora. I didn't realize you'd get sick." Keyne said. His hand gently pushing the sweaty hair out of his face.

"It's okay. I didn't say anything previously when I felt a little off. I should have been honest." Sora said.

It wasn't always but when Gene had used his magic to speed up their travels he had felt a little nauseous. At the time it wasn't enough to vomit from.

"Do you still want to go to the doctor? We can get some medicine to settle your stomach and maybe something for your sore muscles." Keyne said. He was still worried about the terrible condition Sora woke up in.

"No. I just want to lay down in bed for awhile." Sora said he face pressed against Keyne's chest.

Keyne wanted to continue holding Sora but he needed to return to the helm and steer the boat. "Sweetheart. I'll grab you a bucket." Keyne said.

He was worried Sora might get hurt if he ran to the edge again to vomit. So he prepared a bucket next to Sora who was leaning back against their bags. His face a pale green.

"The water is a little rough, but we should arrive in another twenty minutes. Can you hold on until then?" Keyne asked as he wrapped Sora in a blanket to make him more comfortable.

"There's nothing we can do. Just go quick so I can get off the boat." Sora grumbled.

Keyne passed Sora a water bottle for him to drink from before leaving to steer the boat.

Sora slowly sipped the water. The cool drink felt good as it passed through his dry parched throat. With his breath laboured he closed his eyes and tried to tell himself he wasn't sick.

Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful and once again vomited the meager contents of his stomach.


As promised Keyne quickly docked the boat. The Captain saw them arrived and quickly appeared to help tie the boat to the docks.

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