Chapter 63: Sora's Day

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Sora woke up alone again. He knew the chances Keyne would wake him before he left to say goodbye were low. After all, he had never done it before. Even so, a small part of him wished Keyne had.

With nothing to really do Sora lazed around in bed for a while. It wasn't until nearly an hour later that he finally decided to get up.

Opening the door he found his little Marimo bouncing up and down.

"Did Keyne lock you out of the room again? Why does he always do that?" Sora asked.

Marimo bounced even higher. Sora couldn't tell if it was angry or excited. But moments later it perched itself on top of Sora's head and seemed satisfied.

"I wonder if Midori was brought to the stables again?" Sora questioned when he saw no sign of it.

Making his way to the kitchen he found the little note and two egg muffins left behind by Keyne.

Good morning, Sweetheart.

Did you sleep well? I, as always, slept great. I always sleep wonderfully with you in my arms.

I baked the breakfast you lovingly prepared for me. The breakfast muffins tasted delicious I could barely stop myself from eating the whole pan in one sitting. You are the best. If you decide not to farm; opening a restaurant is also an option. I guarantee your restaurant would be number one in this world.

I promise to be back tonight. Until I do, although I can't stop you, I hope you'll stay home where it's safe. Norvich is a safe country but with the drought crime is on the rise.

It might be boring being home alone. However boring is safe and safe is good. If you do get bored you can play with the monsters or do your writing homework.

Sora, I love you. I promise to be safe and come home soon to be by your side once again.



Reading the letter Sora didn't know what to think. It was hard to imagine a big strong knight had written something that sounded like a young teenage girl or worse a mother had written it.

As a result, Sora could only laugh. "It's terrible! But I love it." He said with a smile and tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"I've decided! I'll surprise Keyne with a proposal tonight." Sora said with determination.

Sora went to work on his plan. He didn't have much to work with and going out to buy more wasn't the best option. So he had to make due.

As he considered his plan Sora ate the two breakfast muffins left for him. "Their good but next time I'll add a little more pepper."

After breakfast he checked in on Gallos and Midori. With him he brought fruit for Gallos and some vegetables for Midori.

"Midori do you want to come inside or play out here?" Sora asked. The little green cub looked up at Sora, then at the fenced in yard. After going back and forth a few times it ran out into the yard.

"Okay, I'll come back again in a little while to bring you your lunch." Sora called out. He then slipped into Gallos' stable and grabbed the bedding.

"I'll leave you bedding outside to soak in the sun for a while." Sora said as he did his best to lift the heavy mat. Once it was hanging in the sun Sora smacked it a few times to shake off the dust before finally returning inside.


After some thought Sora had decided to make food for his proposal.

"He will probably come home late. But Keyne has never turned down a meal and eating sandwiches all day will be boring. Besides it's always nice to come home to a warm home cooked meal." Sora thought as he prepared dinner.

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