Chapter 33: Bad Dream

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Once they cleared the orchard and Keyne felt they were a safe distance away he finally slowed. "Captain, how are the men? Any injuries?" Keyne asked.

"None." The Captain briefly answered.

"Good. Check the supplies and see if there we sustained any damage. I'm going to check on Sora. If everything is okay we will continue moving forward as soon as possible." Keyne commanded.

Although they were a safe distance away he didn't want to stop for long. They still had two good hours of sunlight left and he intended to use them.

The Captain nodded and turned to inform the guards. He also believed it would be best to continue moving forward.

Dismounting Gallos, Keyne quickly headed towards the carriage where Sora was hiding. Standing by the door he gave himself a quick check to make sure no blood or signs of battle remained on his clothes. "I need to smile and show him everything is fine." Keyne whispered to himself as he readjusted his facial expression.

Feeling nervous he knocked on the door. "Sora, it's Keyne. Everything is okay. I'm going to come in." Keyne announced before slowly opening the door.


The moment the door opened Marimo shot out and attacked Keyne's face again. But unlike previously Keyne quickly dodged. Looking back at the small black fluff he smirked triumphantly.

"Just you wait! I'll get you for scaring my Sora!" The little cottonwood exclaimed angrily.

"Yours? Sora is mine. Don't ever forget that." Keyne telepathically shouted back as he fiercely glared at the little angry fluff.

"Keyne?" Sora called out from inside. He was still sitting under the table worried about what was happening outside.

Hearing Sora's quiet call Keyne turned and with a calm warm smile. "Don't worry. Everything is fine." Keyne said as he reached out to help Sora from under the table.

"What happened?" Sora quietly asked his hands shaking as he took Keyne's hand.

Keyne pulled Sora directly into his arms and hugged him tight.

Sora struggled for a few seconds. He was surprised by the sudden embrace. But soon he calmed down. The warm embrace warming his cold body. He relaxed and leaned his head against Keyne's firm chest.

"It's okay. We were attacked but no one got hurt. Everyone is safe. You're safe. There is nothing to be afraid of." Keyne whispered his calm voice reverberating in his chest as he spoke.

Sora stuttered as he recalled what had just happened. "I heard a loud explosion and screaming... and..."

"It's okay. They tried to attack us but we used wind magic to create a barrier and push them out of the way." Keyne quietly explained.

"Did anyone..."

"Our priority was to escape not fight. When they tried to stop us we pushed them out of the way and left."

"Will they come after us?" Sora asked nervously looking back.

"No. We may not have fought them, but we showed them that we aren't weak. They won't be coming after us." Keyne confidently said.

Sora was reassured by Keyne's confident and steady words. Another minute passed before Keyne finally loosened his hold on Sora. Despite Keyne no longer hugging him tight Sora didn't pull away.

With his head on Keyne's chest he closed his eyes and listened to Keyne's strong heartbeat. It wasn't until almost a minute passed before Sora finally realized Keyne had released his grip and he could back away.

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