Chapter 13: Curry

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Entering the kitchen, Sora was surprised to find how 'modern' it Looked. Although it had what looked like a wood burning stove, it also seemed to have a refrigerator and oven. "I wonder how expensive it will be to have this type of kitchen built in my new home?" If he could he wanted the very best this world had to offer even if it was a bit pricey.

"Haha! So you want all this? Got it, but it might be a bit difficult getting it at Loe Lake. Most of this is only available here in the Capital. You'll need to either bring it with you when you go up or have it delivered for a lot of money." Archmage Galen said.

Sora blushed. He didn't mean to say it aloud, but now that he did he couldn't help but feel embarrassed for revealing his thoughts.

"It's not a problem. I've already started making arrangements. You can purchase everything non-perishable here in the Capital and have it moved to Loe Lake." Keyne said.

Sora looked at Keyne both impressed and a little weirded out at how considerate Keyne was concerning his needs "I'm glad he's helping me, but I should try to things myself. He won't always be by my side." Sora thought.

"Sora, come take a look. This is called an ice box. Its always cold inside so the food doesn't go bad. Did they have anything like that in your world?" Princess Ewella asked.

"We do, but I have a feeling the way they work is different." Sora said as he walked further in the kitchen.

"Don't worry I can teach you. To use the ice box we just need to fill this place with ice and it keeps everything cold inside for several days. This one..." Princess Ewella went around the kitchen describing each appliance. Sora followed behind and listened carefully. Only to feel conflicted. "Nearly everything in this kitchen uses magic." Sora thought.

The ever observant Keyne noticed his distress. "I'll help you with the magic." Keyne leaned in close to say.

"Thank you." Sora said while secretly thinking how he needed to try harder in his magic studies. Keyne had helped him several times but he had yet to succeed in activating it.

"What do you need to do first?" Galen asked as he began pulling out some pots and pans with enthusiasm.

"I need a pan, a large pot, some bowls, knives and utensils. First, I'll prepare the curry roux than I can use it to make the chicken curry." Sora said as he placed the box full of spices on the kitchen island.

"I had the staff bring some vegetables and cockatrice." Keyne said as he opened the pantry and took out a basket of potatoes, carrots, and onion. Sora looked at the off coloured vegetables but didn't mind. He had gotten used to the differences between Earth and this world's vegetables after staying in this new world the last couple days.

Putting the vegetables aside Sora grabbed one of the pans Galen passed him. He then asked if they had butter or honey.

"Butter? We do, it's made from the brutus cows milk. As for honey... what's that?" Princess Ewella asked curious what it could be.

"It's something made from an insect in our world that tastes sweet and is sticky." Sora explained.

"Oh?! We have something like that it's fire-wasp jelly. They are insects that pollinate the flowers and glow a beautiful blue at night. The fire-wasp jelly can be found in their hive. It's very sweet and delicious but difficult to get because of their aggressive behaviour." Princess Ewella said.

"Are the insects in your world dangerous?" Archmage Galen asked.

"Some can be but we've developed several methods to collect the honey without danger over the years. As for other insects, it depends. But overall compared to this world I'd say humans have conquered the world." Sora said.

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