Chapter 56: Unexpected turn of event (NSFW)

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"It's sweet. His every word is perfect. But we haven't known each other for that long? Even so when I think about my own feelings... I can't deny the thought of being together forever sounds wonderful." Sora thoughts. His mind wondering despite the kiss deep kiss he and Keyne were in the middle of.

"Sora what are you thinking about?" Keyne asked. He had noticed Sora's distracted state as they kissed.

Sora sat up his arm resting on his one raised knee while his other leg relaxed. His look pensive.

"Keyne, are we not rushing things?" Sora couldn't help but wonder. He was touched by Keyne's confession but it couldn't erase his unease; not completely.

"I don't think so. I am completely confident in my feelings for you. We could get married tomorrow and it wouldn't be too soon." Keyne said.

"Tomorrow?" Sora mused over the idea of getting married. "If we got married the future wouldn't seem so uncertain or frightening. Living together, sharing responsibility, kissing, it would be normal. Not just normal but expected." Strangely the more he thought about it the more he liked the idea.

Keyne however didn't realize Sora was actually considering his proposal. The silence instead making him uneasy. "Was I too hasty mentioning marriage. Have I scared him."

"Keyne what exactly is marriage in this world?" Sora asked his voice low and cautious.

"Huh? Marriage?"

"I just want to know if the concept of marriage is the same in this world as it is in mine." Sora said feeling a little uneasy.

Keyne's mind spun at Sora's question. "Could it be he is actually considering marriage? But not ten minutes ago he was questioning my feelings for him. No don't question it. This is the perfect chance." Keyne thought as he tried his best to keep a calm face.

"Marriage is when two people swear a vow to love and support each other. From the moment we sign the marriage contract our lives will be tied to one another." Keyne said with some hope in his heart.

"It sounds a lot like marriage back on Earth." Sora said feeling more interested in the idea.

"Getting married is also very easy. We only need to get a contract from the government affairs building in town and sign it. Once we  submit the signed contract we will be official recognized as married." Keyne added getting more excited by the prospect of marriage.

"Maybe? No, what am I thinking? Considering marriage, don't I have enough on my plate with the house and farm?!" Sora exclaimed. The words he intended to only think unintentionally being said aloud.

"Sora, when we get married my assets will become yours. You won't have to worry about an uncertain future. Marriage in this world is a serious commitment and I would never betray you. We can also take things slowly even after marriage, if that's what you want." Keyne said when he realized Sora was seriously considering marriage.

"No, it's strange suddenly talking about marriage. We haven't even known each other that long." Sora said his thoughts backtracking.

"It's not strange. People in this world sometimes get married before ever meeting." Keyne stated.

"Like arranged marriages? What if they don't work out?" Sora wasn't unfamiliar with the idea of arranged marriage. It happened on Earth as well.

"Marriage is an important bond that isn't broken without considerable thought. Not that we would ever have to worry about that." Keyne said as he softly touched Sora's cheek.

"Is it strange to consider marriage after only knowing each other for less than a month?" Sora questioned.

"It isn't. Sora I love you. Married or not I will always be here for you. But being married has other benefits as well."

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