Chapter 69: Lunch

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After swimming for so long Sora started feeling hungry. A little reluctant to leave he kept lazily wading through the water until his stomach started to growl.

"Sora, was that your stomach?" Keyne asked from the dock. He had gotten tired of swimming and had moved to the dock to watch Sora enjoy the water.

"No." Sora lied without a second thought.

"Is that so?" Keyne said. He was amused Sora would lie so badly to cover up feeling hungry.

Sora refused to admit he was hungry. So Keyne decided to play along.

"That's too bad. I'm really hungry and was hoping we could eat lunch soon." Keyne said.

"It is time for lunch." Sora said. Taking the opportunity to get out of his lie. Finally swimming towards the dock Sora asked Keyne what he might want for lunch.

"I was thinking we could get lunch in town. After dropping off the contract." Keyne said.

"Contract? Of course, let's go into town and make our marriage official. Then we can celebrate with lunch." Sora said.

Keyne smiled bright and quickly pulled Sora out of the water. Sora felt bad for once again making Keyne wait.

"I was so caught up with swimming I forgot about the marriage contract. Damn it. I'll have to make it up to him somehow." Sora thought as Keyne carried him inside.


Reaching the Government Affairs Building Sora and Keyne walked in hand in hand. With  Keyne's help they quickly finished filling out the information on the forms. Now all they needed to do is submit them.

"Keyne, do we really only need to submit the contract to  be married?" Sora asked. For some reason the process lacked impact.

"Are you having doubts?" Keyne asked with worry.

"No, just. In my world there's usually a ceremony when two people get married. Submitting a document seems a bit unromantic." Sora said.

"There is a ceremony, but it doesn't apply to us."

"What do you mean?"

"The marriage ceremony in Norvich involves the parents of the two people getting married. They arrange a special dinner and tell each other stories from the couples past. Once the dinner is over the couple will promise the parents to care for their partner and the contract is signed." Keyne explained.

"I see. Neither of us have parents so you didn't bother mentioning it." Sora said. He now felt terrible for bringing up the idea of a ceremony.

"It's fine. We have the rings from your world's traditions. That's better than a simple dinner." Keyne said with a smile.

"Keyne, when we get the rings will you be willing to do a small ceremony with me? We can make it a mix of both our traditions." Sora asked.

He could tell the marriage was important to Keyne. It was important to him as well. Which is why he wanted to do it right.

"What do you mean?"

"In my world when exchanging rings we also say vows or promises. The rings represent the promises we make to each other. They can be anything, but usually it's to stay together and love each other until death do us part through sickness and health, from richer or poorer. The exact words are a bit different but it's the feelings that counts." Sora explained.

"That sounds wonderful"

"For this world's ceremony the parents talk about the couples life, we could tell each other about our lives, a bit. If you want." Sora added.

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