Chapter 24: Laguna Town

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The next morning Sora was awoken by the bed's rough shaking. "What's going on?" He muttered as he felt around for his glasses.

Finding his glasses he scurried over to the edge of the bed and lifted up the window covering. To his surprise the first thing he saw was Keyne looking majestic and handsome as he road Gallos.

His breathtakingly beautiful golden hair lightly swaying in the breeze revealing his handsome face. The way his eyes were focused on the path ahead gave off a sense of strength and determination. Sora was in awe at the sight. Unable to speak or look away he simply stared at Keyne.

Keyne soon noticed Sora staring at him from the carriage. However he said nothing. "The way he's staring, is it because he thinks I'm handsome?" Keyne thought as he straightened his back and tried to look noble and elegant atop Gallos.

Gallos also seemed to have noticed Sora's stare and in an attempt to get his attention shook his long beautiful white mane and snorted. The act quickly drew Sora's attention.

"Gallos is the most handsome horse in this world. Even more than the famous unicorn." Sora thought as he redirected his stare to the strong and handsome Gallos.

"Gallos! Why did you have to do that? He was finally looking at me as a man." Keyne complained telepathically to Gallos.

"If he wishes to admire beauty, than naturally I am the better choice." Gallos rebuked smugly as he raised his head in triumph. Keyne frowned at Gallos' words. Turning to the captivated Sora, Keyne quickly spoke.

"Sora you're awake. Did you sleep well." Keyne said loudly. Effectively getting Sora's attention back.

Gallos snorted again in derision at Keyne's behaviour.

"Fine. Is something wrong with Gallos he keeps making noise, did he maybe catch a cold or is he upset about something?" Sora asked. He didn't know anything about animals but Gallos had barely made any noise the day before.

Gallos began making a mocking laughing sound when he heard Dora's concern. Whereas Keyne's face grew dark. "He's fine. He's just enjoying being able to travel. It's been a long time since we last left the Capital." Keyne explained dryly.

"That's good. I was worried."

Keyne had Gallos trot closer to the carriage window and passed Sora a flask full of water. "Are you thirsty?" He asked as he offered it to Sora.

Sora thanked Keyne and quickly took a sip out of the flask. The water was cool and refreshing. As he drank the carriage hit another bump and some water escaped and began sliding down his chin.

Keyne gulped as he watched the lone drop of water slowly slide down Sora's chin down his thin white neck and disappear under his disheveled shirt collar.

"Keyne I seemed to have overslept again. Sorry." Sora remarked with a feeling of guilt. He had noticed how throughout the journey so far he hadn't been much help. Everything was taken care of by Keyne and the guards.

"We packed up and left the village at daybreak. There was no need to wake you although you did miss breakfast. At the corner of the bed I placed a box. There's some bread and fruit slime. You can eat it as a snack if you're hungry. Lunch won't be for another hour or two." Keyne said.

Sora quickly found the box and just as Keyne said inside there was some bread with the purple fruit jellie. He also found a flask of the cacte juice and some uncut fruit that resembled an orange apple. He'd eaten it before. The taste was similar to an orange but with the texture of an apple.

Looking at the fruit Sora licked his lips. Taking it he sat back down by the window and quickly took a bite. His eyes squinting happily at the burst of flavour. Keyne watched with a satisfied grin. "I'm glad I asked Jameson to pack some aurantius." He thought as he watched Sora happily eat the fruit.

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