Chapter 116: Sneeze

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Keyne had Gallos move fast through the forest. He was tired and wanted to see Sora. He never had difficulty fighting or dealing with complex situations in the past. He enjoyed the rush. The way every decision needed to be made quickly and could have devastating results. It made his blood boil.

However today wasn't like the past. He wasn't thinking about how to best deal with the situation. The only thing on his mind was how to finish things quickly. If he was still a knight and the country of Norvich had approaching invaders he would have dealt with it calmly and thoroughly without mercy or hesitation.

The rush he usually felt in battle was now replaced with something else. Annoyance.

He was annoyed they had interrupted his plans with Sora. He was annoyed knowing a similar situation could reoccur. He was annoyed with having to deal with the aftermath. He was annoyed with Koll for appearing out of nowhere and frightening everyone. He was annoyed at the workers for threatening to leave because of the danger.

Keyne grumbled along the way back to the little cabin. "This can't be allowed to happen again. No more waiting and being passive." He told himself.

When Keyne finally reached the spring he saw the light shining through the windows.

His mind settled and the irritation dissipated. Finally he felt a sense of peace. He jumped down from Gallos then helped the little green Midori down as well. He didn't rush. He quietly unbundled the straps and removed the bags from Gallos.

He glanced at the little cabin hoping to see Sora walk out and welcome him home. But minutes passed and Sora did not appear.

"Maybe I'm too quiet?" Keyne wondered.

He grabbed the luggage and headed towards the cabin. Midori ran ahead but the door was closed so it couldn't go inside. It waited for Keyne to let him in. Normally Gallos would have quickly left but he decided to have a drink of water from the spring first.

Keyne felt his heart beating in his chest. A strange nervousness filling his heart as he reached for the door knob. When he opened the door the delicious but pungent smell of garlic hit him.

He looked at the table and it was filled with little noddle packages. But there was no Sora in sight. Keyne looked around the small cabin but still could not see him.

"Sora!" Keyne called out.

"Sora, sweetheart, where are you?" Keyne shouted once more. This time he left the little cabin to check outside. He first headed for the bathroom but still found no signs of Sora.

"Sora!!" Keyne called out even louder. His heart now pounding in his chest for a different reason.

"He's over here." Gallos suddenly said.

Keyne turned quickly in search of Gallos. "Where's here?!" He wanted to shout.

However he quickly saw Gallos by the spring. Keyne ran over. He was worried something had happened.

"Did he go swimming again after I left? Was there an accident? Was he attacked?" Keyne imagined several scenarios in the few seconds it took to run towards the spring.

When he climbed over one of the large roots blocking his path he saw Sora laying on a blanket asleep on the ground. He felt some relief but was still incredibly worried. He hurried over to Sora's side and felt his forehead.

"It's fine." He thought.

Sora lazily opened his eyes at the touch. "Keyne, you're back?" He mumbled half asleep.

"Sweetheart, why are you sleeping out here on the ground?" Keyne asked. His hand lightly caressing his cheek.

"I made some gyoza and the smell of garlic was really strong. I shouldn't have made it inside. I was only planning to take a breather but I guess I fell asleep. What time is it?"

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