Chapter 32: Bandits

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With their new companion Marimo they continued moving forward towards Loe Lake. As they travelled they often came across villages, but never stopped.

Although it would be safer behind the village fences, they decided it would be better to camp outside. When Sora asked Keyne said it was because they didn't want to put unnecessary strain on the villages. But the reality was that it was riskier to stay in the villages.

With resources and water limited because of the drought many people were resorting to criminal means. Making staying in a village with carriages full of water and food dangerous. As they moved forward Keyne and the others carefully watched their surroundings. Keeping a close watch for monsters and people.

Keyne and Sora were together on Gallos moving through what looked like farmland. Sadly the plants were yellow and dry.

"Captain." Keyne calked out.

The captain quickly rode forward on his Kirin next to them.

"Have you noticed?" Keyne asked.

"Should we send somebody to the village to check?" The Captain asked with a serious expression.

"Send two guys for a quick survey." Keyne ordered. The Captain nodded and quickly rode off to give instructions.

"Keyne is something wrong?" Sora asked seeing Keyne look so serious made him nervous.

Keyne didn't want to frighten Sora, but if something did happen Sora needed to be prepared.

"Sora do you notice all the fields around us and the village not far away?"

"I do. Is there something wrong?" Sora asked not quite sure what the problem was.

"The problem is that we haven't seen anyone." Keyne pointed out.

"Did something happen to them? Maybe a monster? Is it dangerous?" Sora asked. His first thoughts were that a monster had attacked the village and might still be close by.

"No, not a monster. The captain is going to check, but my guess is that their will only be women, children, and the elderly in the village." Keyne explained.

"Why?" Sora didn't understand what Keyne was worried about.

"At this time of day the fields should be full of farmers. The only reason for it to be so quiet is if the farmers are busy doing something else."

"What could be more important?"

Keyne stopped Gallos and signalled for the caravan to stop. "Sora I don't want you to be scared but there is a good chance the men from the village have given up on farming and chosen to become bandits. If they have we need to prepare for an attack." Keyne said after helping Sora off Gallos.

"An attack? Like with swords and magic? Will they really try to rob us?" Sora said obviously frightened.

Keyne grabbed Sora's shoulders and looked him straight in the eye. "Sora listen to me. You will be safe. But if they do attack you need to stay in the carriage away from the window and door. No matter what you don't come out until I say it's okay."


Marimo suddenly jumped off Sora's head and smacked Keyne directly in the face. The soft fluffy monster only managing to piss Keyne off.

"What are you doing scaring him, ugly!" Marimo exclaimed telepathically.

Keyne grabbed the fluff and threw him in the carriage. Sora who was scared a moment ago couldn't help but worry about the little fluff. "What are you doing?!" He scolded Keyne as he rushed inside the carriage to check on Marimo.

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