Chapter 129: Complete

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Because of the situation at the Capital, Sora was determined to do three things. One was to make as many jars of jam and seasoning as he possible could before they left. His reasoning was simple.

"I'm going to sell them at a super high price and show those nobles what they will lose if they piss me off. We also need the money so it's like killing two birds with one stone."

Sora restated to Keyne who had just come back from the construction site with 500 empty jars. It cost a lot to buy them but he agreed that they could make a hefty profit if sold in the Capital.

"Next, I will bring crates full of fruit and vegetables. Tomorrow you and Prince Jodi can help me pollinate a full tree of limes and every other plant we have. We are going to sell crate after crate of fresh delicious produce."

"What's your third plan?" Keyne asked.

"We refuse to sell to any nobles. I am only willing to sell to the royal family and that's if they promise not to share it with those bastards." Sora proclaimed.

Keyne had his doubts. He knew the nobles would have more than a few ways of getting ahold of Sora's goods. Not wanting to burst Sora's bubble he tried to dissuade him in a different way.

"Sweetheart, if you want to make money you'll need to sell to the nobles. Commoners will have difficulty buying your fruits and jams." Keyne said.

"I'm aware. I'll post a sign saying nobles are unwelcome, but that won't stop them. They'll hire commoners or have their servants dress down and buy it anyway. That or the merchants in town will see an opportunity to buy from me and resell it to them at a higher price. Either way my message will come across."

"What message is that?" Prince Jodi asked.

"That I hate nobles and I won't be doing them any favours." Sora said.

"Well your methods will piss them off." Prince Jodi said.

Keyne was worried. He didn't want Sora painting a target on his back. If possible he would have preferred Sora stay behind him and make his presence in the Capital as small as possible.

Despite his reservations Keyne had no intention to stop Sora. Instead he helped arrange a shop and place for them to stay while they were in the Capital.

Sora went to get his notebook. He had the five hundred jars and needed to plan out how to use them effectively.

While he was away Prince Jodi took it as a chance to speak with Keyne. He could tell Keyne wasn't happy with Sora's plans but he thought they were fine.

"This is good. It's a little naive and a bit too subtle for my taste. But that's not important. The important thing is that Sora feels like he is getting back at the nobles without putting himself at risk."

"Not putting himself at risk? Naive or not he's trying to insult the nobles. He should be keeping a low profile."

"To be honest I think he should do more. He has every right to be angry. Both of you have good reason to be angry and retaliate."

"Deserved or not I don't want Sora to get involved. He should be able to spend his days at home doing whatever he pleases. Not worrying about those pieces of shit."

"Don't you mean spending his days in bed together with you? Or maybe you'll have some fun in the forest again?" Prince Jodi said.

"Did you see?" Keyne asked through clenched teeth.

"I wish."


"Hahaha! You missed!"


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