Chapter 94: Little cabin (pt.2) (NSFW)

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The sun was still up and Sora was sore, but the fire was lit and neither wanted to push away. Sora welcomed Keyne's advances.

"I'm a little scared." Sora admitted as Keyne began removing his clothing.

"Scared? Sweetheart, you never need to feel scared when you're with me."

"It's been... awhile. I can't help it." Sora nervously added.

Keyne could understand his nervousness. The last time they had done it Sora's body had finally become accustomed to making love and Keyne no longer needed to be as 'gentle'.

However after having a long dry spell he had to admit he was also a little nervous and planned to be very thorough with the preparations.

Keyne ran his fingers up Sora's bare thigh. Admiring the flawless and tempting beauty. "Don't worry my love. My precious husband." Keyne whispered as his fingers moved higher.

Sora pressed his lips together in an attempt to prevent himself from laughing as Keyne's fingers passed his lower back.

"It tickles." He thought at the light touch.

Noticing Sora's movement beneath him Keyne recalled how ticklish Sora could be. It was one of his favourite places to tease while they made love because it helped lighten the mood and always made Sora more receptive to his touch.

Keyne stopped his roaming fingers and lowered himself close. He attacked Sora's hard pressed lips with a fierce kiss. Keyne prodded and poked until he finally broke down Sora's barrier and entered. Once inside his tongue ravaged every part of his mouth. He left no place untouched.

Sora gasped for air, but his gasps for breath were more like little laughs. Keyne had been tickling his lower back through the fierce and dominating kiss. The passion and the playfulness acted in contradiction to both his body and mind. Confusing him; exciting him.

Sora didn't want to be tickled any longer. He decided to escape by taking a more proactive stance. With his free hand he reached down and grabbed Keyne's hot thick member. The moment he did Sora could feel it grow harder in his grasp.

In the beginning he was scared of Keyne's size. But now he knew just how great it felt inside him. He also knew how best to stimulate it. Sora's thumb found the tip and began rubbing it.

Keyne groaned at the movement. He knew exactly what Sora was trying to do. He knew and he welcomed it. Pulling Sora there positions switched. Sora now straddled his thighs and was perfectly positioned to do whatever he wanted.

Sora was surprised at first. While moving he let go of Keyne. But once in his new position he smiled and once again grasped the eager member. Keyne enjoyed his touch but his hands itched. He raised both hands and placed them over Sora's lean but surprisingly defined chest. The small pink protrusions had caught his eyes.

While Sora was busy Keyne began playing with the little nubs. Pinching and rubbing them until they became erect. Sora's breath grew laboured under his touch. He didn't mind Keyne's fingers but there was something he liked more.

Keyne saw Sora looking down at him wantonly. He smirk and without a word raised himself close and bit the small protrusion on the left. Sora gasped. The wetness and soft tongue was a large contrast the Keyne's rough callused fingers.

Sora became distracted and his hands ceased moving. Keyne wasn't satisfied and thrust his hips up to remind Sora.

"Don't neglect it." He growled while looking up at the surprised Sora.

Sora soon remembered what he was doing and moved with more purpose. Keyne began regretting his demand as he felt himself approach the edge.

Sora could feel Keyne twitch and the veins bulge as Keyne tried to resist coming.

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