Chapter 124: Strangely Perfect

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After helping Prince Jodi set up his tent Keyne and Sora walked him over to the cabin to join them for lunch and give him a little tour.

"Woah! This tree's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Still smaller than the Tree of Life the elves from Koos worship, but impressive nonetheless." Prince Jodi said as he looked up at the maple tree.

"Keyne have you seen the Tree of Life in Koos?" Sora asked.

"I have. The Tree of Life is bigger but your tree is more beautiful." Keyne explained.

"Kaede is beautiful. But I can't imagine a tree called the Tree of Life being less impressive."

"Kaede? Sora did you give the tree a name?" Keyne asked.

"I did. Kaede means maple in my country. What do you think?"


Keyne managed to remain unaffected by Sora's strange choice to name the tree but Prince Jodi who was standing next to them couldn't. He burst out laughing. Feeling embarrassed Sora blushed bright red.

"Anyway, I need to hurry up and get started on lunch." Sora said before rushing into the cabin. Keyne kicked the Prince in the ass before rushing after Sora.

Entering their little cabin Keyne found Sora by the sink still red and upset.

"Sora, don't care about that guy. He's a pervert with a horrible sense of humour." Keyne comforted.

"Do you think it's weird that I named the tree?" Sora asked.

"Not at all. This tree is special and it deserves a name." Keyne said. Keyne moved forward and hugged him close.

"Do you want me to beat him up? I can also tie him to Sumi and have him dragged back to Lacus Town. Just say the word." Keyne said in a serious tone.

"Hehehe. Thank you but it's not necessary. It's not that bad. If I think about it my naming sense might not be that great. I should have given the tree a better name."

Keyne didn't think the name was the problem here. Not that he would tell Sora that. He simply hugged Sora close and silently listened to him give several alternate names.

"Which one do you like?" Sora asked.

Keyne hadn't paid any attention to the names. Being asked to choose the one he liked most Keyne was at a loss. Sora looked up at him expecting an answer.

"I don't think you should change it. You shouldn't let anything that idiot says affect you. If you like the name that's all that matters." Keyne said.

Knock... knock*

Keyne glared at the door. He never hated the sound of knocking as much as he did right now.

"Keyne, Sora, I'm sorry. I was insensitive. I never should have laughed. Can I come in?"


"Please let me in."


"Sora, Keyne?!" Prince Jodi continuously knocked on the door and shouted to get their attention.

"Keyne, get the door please." Sora said.

"Are you sure? I can easily get rid of him." Keyne seriously reiterated.

"Mm... It's fine. It it was only a little embarrassing. I'm over it. Hurry up and let him in before he breaks the door." Sora said.

Keyne let go of Sora and walked over to the door. He planned to open the door but that wasn't all. There was no way he would let the Prince get away with making Sora feel uncomfortable.

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