Chapter 70: Boat Rental

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After lunch Keyne and Sora headed towards the docks to ask the Captain for his boat again.

The man was easy to find as he limped through the area with crutches.

"Captain!" Keyne called out. The man looked back and smiled.

"Keyne, how have things been?"

"They've been well. How is your leg doing?" Keyne asked. He was oddly sociable to the old captain.

"It's taking forever to heal, but nothing I can do about it." The captain said.

"Give it time. It's better not to rush these types of injuries." Keyne said.

"Do you mean it or are you hoping my leg stays injured so you can keep borrowing my boat. Hahaha!" The man joked.

"I'd have to say the latter. I was actually coming to find you to ask if I could borrow your boat again." Keyne said a bit guilty.

"For you? Not a problem. When do you need it?" The Captain exclaimed.

"I was hoping for tomorrow. I'd be bringing it back the day after, around noon." Keyne said.

"Two days? Where are you planning on taking it?" The Captain asked.

"My partner and I have some land in the west. We plan to do a few things in the area. It's a bit far and travelling at night can be dangerous." Keyne explained.

"Land in the west? Are you the couple looking for construction workers for a big job coming up at the Craftsmen Guild?" The Captain asked.

"We are. Have you also heard the news?" Keyne asked a little surprised.

"Everyone has heard it by now. Not just craftsmen but us old guys at the dock have been asked if we'd be willing to lug materials and people over." The Captain explained.

"We could use all the help we can get. Are you willing to lend your boat?" Keyne asked with a little hope.

"Sorry, if it's a day or two fine, but I can't relax being apart from my boat for longer than that." The Captain said with some regret.

"I understand, the boat is your livelihood. Leaving it with others for so long is difficult." Keyne said without any signs of disappointment.

"To be honest my boy was thinking of applying as one of the grunts but he barely stands a chance of getting through the door." The Captain mentioned.

"Your son? How old is he." Keyne asked.

"He's fourteen. A smart young man and great cook but he's built like his mother, no meat to him. He can't handle hard labour. He was studying to be a chef before things got real bad. Now he runs errands here and there for the fishermen at the docks." The Captain explained.

"A cook? We could use him." Keyne said.

"You could?" The Captain asked with surprise.

"Part of the deal is that we will provide the workers with three meals a day. Nothing fancy but we do need people to help with the cooking. If your son is up for it we could use his help." Keyne said.

The Captain looked ecstatic at the idea, but didn't agree immediately.

"What's the catch?" He knew Keyne wouldn't have offered unless he had a motive.

"My partner and I are desperate for a boat. We're making arrangements to get one sent over but it will take awhile before it's ready. In the meantime we hope you'll help us out whenever possible." Keyne said.

"I can help, but I ain't lending my boat out for more than a day or two." The Captain said stubbornly.

"I wouldn't ask you to. But I might ask if you're willing to bring us some things from town." Keyne said.

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