Chapter 85: Lonely

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Keyne used his magic to heal Sora's wounds. However unlike scraps and bruises, healing bones couldn't be done in haste. It would take several tries before Sora was fully healed.

Keyne breathed heavily. He had used a significant amount of energy healing Sora. Healing cuts and bruises was a simple matter, but injuries like the Captain's and Sora's often required more finesse and couldn't be done quickly.

Keyne was able to heal the Captain easily enough because his injury was already 80% healed when he used his magic. Sora was freshly hurt. His first attempt to heal Sora would mend the bones reducing the six week healing time by a third.

Keyne looked down at Sora as he slept. "He looks less pale and is breathing better." He thought. He carefully lifted the sleeping Sora and carried him further from the monster and spring.


The monster's tentacles thrashed around again. Keyne stared at the corpse with fury. It was because of it that Sora was injured.

Keyne had a choice to make. He could bring Sora back to camp or stay by the spring like they originally planned.

"Sora was finally beginning to feel better." Recalling how Sora seemed more relaxed before the attack Keyne decided to stay and care for him quietly in the forest.

He was feeling a little tired but that didn't prevent him from quickly setting up the tent.


The dead lusca's tentacles once again moved, this time however it was less intense. "I need to deal with that damn thing." Keyne cursed.

He lay Sora down on the blankets then left to deal with the monster corpse that was continuing to move despite being decapitated and impaled. He unsheathed his sword and approached the corpse. In an uncharacteristic fit of rage he chopped the monster into small bits and pieces.

Sumi poked its head out of the water. He was a little afraid of Keyne who had madly attacked the corpse. But at the same time he was hungry and decided to interrupt him.

"Hey, do you mind if I eat that?" Sumi asked.

"Eat it, burn it, I don't care. Just get it out of my sight." Keyne snarled.

Sumi was a little hesitant to leave the water despite getting the okay. But Keyne didn't stay long. After washing up he returned to the tent. With Keyne away in the tent Sumi finally left the water to eat.


Sora opened his eyes. After three days he succeeded in waking up naturally instead of in a cold sweat. He wasn't terrified, but he was filled with a sense of loneliness.

"Keyne?" He called out in low-spirits. Not hearing a response Sora tried to sit up.

"Ugh... It hurts." Sora groaned. He once again lay down motionless. Feeling lonely he once again called out for Keyne.



"Am I still dreaming?" Sora wondered. It wasn't as though Keyne was always next to him when he woke up. But he was usually not far away. And with his injuries he expected Keyne to be by his side.

With no response Sora once again struggled to move. "It hurts. I feel like my chest was crushed." Sora thought. This time he didn't lay down and give up. He wanted Keyne.

After some effort he finally managed to sit up. His breath was unsteady from the discomfort but he didn't give up. His desire to see Keyne had compelled him to ignore his pain and crawl out.

Poking his head out of the tent he still couldn't see Keyne. "Keyne?" He called out again in an aggrieved and sad tone. Unfortunately, Sora once again did not hear a response.

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