Chapter 127: News from the Capital

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Prince Jodi decided to stay behind with Sora when Keyne left for the construction site for a chance to get to know Sora better. They chatted about Keyne's past, the house plans, and Sora's world. While Sora and Prince Jodi got closer Keyne's mood grew darker.

"You're coming with me today." Keyne said as he dragged Prince Jodi over to Gallos.

"What? No! Sora and I are supposed to make strawbarb jam. You know how much I like strawbarb! He even promised to make me a pie with the strawbarb." The prince shouted as he was dragged away.

"You can eat it when we get back. Today you're coming with me." Keyne said.

"You're just doing this because you're jealous. You're jealous that I have been spending all day with Sora going for walks, taking care of the plants, cooking, chatting, and more without you."

The Prince's words hit deep. Keyne couldn't deny what he said. He threw the Prince on top of Gallos like a sack of potatoes and they galloped away.

Sora was left behind speechless. "He forgot to give me a goodbye kiss." He mumbled as he watched them disappear into the forest.

It had been a few days since Sora had any time alone. Between the Prince and Keyne someone was always nearby. He liked it when Keyne was by his side. Never once feeling like he needed some privacy. It was different having the prince around. He was getting tired of the prince always tagging along.

"Finally some alone time." Sora thought as he stretched his body and went inside to clean up and start preparing lunch.

For lunch he decided to make himself a light soup. As he cooked he glanced over at the bag of rice. "I wish I had Japanese rice. Some onigiri would be perfect right now. Sadly, it's impossible with that long grain rice. It would never properly stick together." Sora mused.

He had been making rice everyday recently. He never would have considered himself the biggest fan of rice in the past. After not eating it for months he realized just how much he really loved it.

"I think I'll make potpie for dinner tonight. Keyne's been good and eating rice with me everyday but I should give him a break. Unlike me he's not used to a Japanese diet rich in rice."
Sora planned to make a strawbarb pie for the prince but instead changed his mind and decided to use the pie dough for a savory potpie using blade bird and vegetables.

"The prince might be upset. Oh well. It doesn't matter as long as Keyne likes it." Sora said to himself.

It was too early to start cooking the pie now but he was happy to have decided what to make for dinner. Thus began what Sora thought would be a leisurely day.


"This is so boring. Why did you have to drag me here to help with the construction? I could be at the cabin with your husband tasting all the delicious foods he cooks right now." The prince whined.

"Do you think I'm happy being here? I'd much rather spend my day with my husband than you." Keyne said.

"So why are you helping out? You hired these people so you could spend your days however you want."

"Sora and I are eager to have things done as soon as possible. If I leave it to them it will take another two or three weeks."

"Are you rushing because of money? If it is I could lend you some."

"It has nothing to do with money. I am perfectly capable of paying for everything Sora wants." Keyne stated confidently.

"Really? Looking at this place I can only imagine it costing you a few mithril coins at least." The prince commented.

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