Chapter 59: Quiet Night

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The sun had set and the water was black as a deep abyss. Sora looked over the water's surface at the moon's reflection. He couldn't understand why it seemed so similar to Earth's moon but in pieces. As though something had shot it or there was an explosion.

As he wondered he soon saw more lights on the horizon.

"We should arrive at your dock in another ten minutes." Blaine announced from the boat's steering wheel. Keyne nodded and they continued quietly moving through the water.

The silent journey was different for Sora and the others. Sora found the serene black water comforting and beautiful. While the others grew more vigilant and on edge.

"Sora stay away from the edge." Keyne warned as he guided Sora to sit down by the ship's mast. Disappointed Sora sighed, but he didn't object. He knew Keyne must have cause for his decision.

Luckily they reached the rental house's dock quickly and without problem. Keyne and Rogue jumped from the boat and swiftly tied it to the dock.

"Sora be careful where you step. It's dark and the dock is in disrepair." Keyne warned as he held his hand out for Sora.

Sora didn't mind the help. He knew his balance was terrible enough in the daylight. He wouldn't reject help he knew was necessary. Taking Keyne's hand they slowly walked down the dock.

The others paid it no attention either. They had seen how bad Sora's clumsiness was. Over the past week it was no exaggeration to say that Sora suffered the most injuries.

Even though his injuries only consisted of bumps, bruises, scrapes, and scratches from his repeated falls. Not even Keyne who was vigilant and overprotective could protect him from them all.

Keyne was all smiles as they held hands while Sora was too busy concentrating to be distracted by idle thoughts. Reaching land Sora could finally relax.

"You should head inside while I get the bags." Keyne said.

"There are so many bags. I will help."

While on the ship, Sora used the time to reorganize not only his and Keyne's bag. He also took the chance to go through the rations. This left Keyne and Sora with a lot more luggage then they started with.

"It's fine. I've got it. I'll grab the bags and head in after settling things with Blaine." Keyne said.

"Okay. Come get me if you need my help.

"I will. Be careful." Keyne said before casting a string of light spell balls to brighten the path.

With Sora headed to the house Keyne decided to settle things with the Adventurers.

"Everyone help unload the bags. I'm going to speak with Keyne." Blaine commanded.

Gene and Blaine walked over to speak with Keyne concerning the end of the task.

"As agreed compensation would be 5 gold plus the monster's inedible material. As a bonus you were given a portion of the meat collected." Keyne summarized.

Blaine took the gold and took out the Adventurer's request form. Once Keyne signed the form their job would be completed.

"I know things didn't go great, but we appreciate you not choosing to end the task early and reporting it as a failure." Blaine said.

"It was more convenient to complete the task." Keyne rebuked.

He really didn't care much about their situation. Whether he got along with the team or not, they had a job to do. That took priority in his opinion than friendship.

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