Chapter 153: To Be Continued

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The next few days were the laziest Sora had ever spent. Keyne had taken care of everything while he was feverish leaving nothing left to do once his fever was gone. All he needed to do now was cook, play with the now waist high Midori, and swim.

"This is heaven!" Sora exclaimed as he floated around the pool Keyne had built for him. Thanks to magic the water was warm and comfortable.

"Sweetheart, come here." Keyne called from the edge of the pool. As usual he didn't join Sora because he preferred watching instead. Leyne was Ben went as far as to set up a table and chair at the edge of the pool so he could watch comfortably as he cleaned his weapons.

Sora looked over at Keyne not yet moving. Keyne could tell Sora was reluctant to come over but he continued to beckon him anyway. Realizing Keyne was determined to have him swim over Sora finally swam over.

"It's only been thirty minutes." Was the first thing Sora said.

"Hahaha. I didn't call you over to ask you to get out." Keyne said with a laugh.

"Then why?" Sora asked curiously.

Keyne bent down and kissed Sora. The little bit of water remaining on his lips moistened them making the kiss more slippery than usual, but it wasn't unpleasant.

"I just felt like kissing you." Keyne said once he was done. Sora remained motionless for several seconds while his mind processed Keyne's words. Than the embarrassment set in and Sora quickly disappeared under the water and swam away. Left behind Keyne could only laugh.


The quiet days continued until finally Prince Jodi and Archmage Galen appeared at their docks. Sumi had recognized Prince Jodi and let them approach but not before he told Keyne of their arrival.

"Hey, that friend or whatever of yours is here again." Sumi said.

Keyne stopped eating breakfast and looked out the large windows to the water's surface. Sure enough he saw a small boat approaching.

"What's wrong? Do you not like the eggs?" Sora asked.

"As always they are delicious."

"Then why...?"

Keyne anticipated his next question and pointed out the windows for Sora to look. Sora curiously turned to in the direction Keyne pointing in and saw the boat approaching their dock. Immediately a frown dawned his face.

"It's the Prince and Archmage Galen." Keyne said. He realized Sora had misunderstood their unexpected visitors as trespassers.

"They're here already?" Sora said a little disappointed.

"If you want I can have Sumi chase them away and we can continue to enjoy our time alone?" Keyne offered. He made it sound like a joke but Sora could tell he was actually serious.

"No need. Do you think they ate breakfast? Should I make some more?" Sora wondered as he looked at the food left on the table. He had made a lot but Keyne had a big appetite so it was almost all gone.

"Unnecessary." Keyne said in response. He didn't care if they ate or not he wouldn't trouble Sora to cook more on their behalf.

Keyne went back to eating his breakfast. There wasn't much left and they had time before the boat was fully docked. Sora followed his lead and went back to eating his breakfast as well.


"You're slow!" Prince Jodi shouted from the dock when Keyne and Sora finally approached.

"You're too early." Keyne retorted without any guilt for not helping them dock the boat.

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