Chaoter 6: Plan

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The rest of the night Sora spent lazing around the room contemplating what kind of life he could make for himself after leaving the castle.

"Since this world closely resembles the medieval or renaissance era on Earth the types of jobs available should be directed more towards practical needs or physical labour.
I could become some type of craftsman creating items from Earth the people in this world have never seen. But this world doesn't use electricity so they would need to be items that can be used manually. It would also depend on how fast I can build them or where I live.
Living in a large city would ensure I sell several, but the cost of living would probably be higher. Can I keep up with the demand? Not to mention the initial costs. Sigh*" Sora continued thinking along the idea of being a craftsmen but soon realized how impractical it would be.

This was a new world with problems he didn't understand yet. Things he might create might also be replaced by magic which would render them obsolete.

"Maybe once I've lived here for awhile I can try, but right now I think it would be best to find another career." Sora concluded.

Sora walked over to the window. Looking outside, the world was already dark making it difficult to see much. But what he could see where many trees, high walls and the occasional shadow passing by.

"Those must be guards patrolling the palace. Looking at Sir Keyne their commander, although the knights probably fight with magic, the sword at his waist suggests they also use weapons. He also mentioned monsters. Perhaps I could be a blacksmith or something?" A thought that was quickly extinguished when he  saw his own reflection in the window.

Although not considered "scrawny" he wasn't fit either. The thought he could do something as labour intensive as blacksmithing was in his own words, "ridiculous" and "improbable".

"Jobs that require less 'muscle' such as working at a restaurant, shopkeeper, or even librarian like I was in the past are probably more suitable. They don't require a fit body or years of training. However these types of jobs are usually only available in large cities."

Just then Sora recalled what Keyne said about him staying at the palace. The more he thought about it, the more practical it seemed.

"It would be easy staying here, but I don't want to rely on others to live. Especially not my abductors. No matter how friendly or generous they might seem it doesn't change the fact that they abducted me for their own use."

In his mind he understood things weren't as simple as black and white. That his abduction was more of a mix of gray. But he also couldn't help but feel like he would lose a part of himself if he allowed himself to rely on the king after what he had done. Although it wasn't exactly the same as what had happened to him before. He knew trusting someone simply because they are nice can often lead to disastrous consequences.

"No matter how good or easy life at the palace seems, I can't let myself be caught. Not again." Sora swore his face dark as he recalled the past.

After readjusting his focus he started considering his options again.

The simplest job that exists in all worlds is farming. If farming is anything like it was on Earth I think it's possible. I did live with my aunt and uncle on their farm for those few years after returning home.

"This world is currently experiencing a drought. So things like food and water must be scarce. Scarce, but not impossible to solve. Although it might be selfish of me, if I ask the king to prepare some land that hasn't been as affected by the drought, or near a lake I could grow my own food." Sora thought.

He'd briefly thought about it while he ate dinner with Keyne. The vegetables didn't look much different from those from Earth, and if they were grown in a similar way he had the confidence to manage a small field for himself.

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