Chapter 60: Time Apart

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The next morning Sora woke up alone. Sitting up he grabbed his glasses and stretched his stiff body.

"Feels nice. After sleeping on the rough ground having a bed makes a huge difference." He exclaimed.

Feeling better, Sora used the bathroom and got himself some water to drink. After walking around the empty house he quickly became bored.

"Even little Midori is missing? Did Keyne take him along?" Sora looked at the time. It was only 8:00. Not early, but not late either.

"Keyne couldn't have left that long ago. He's probably still at the morning market. If I leave now I should be able to catch up to him. There were a few things I wanted to buy but didn't have the chance to tell him." Sora thought as he headed to the bedroom to change.

Looking at the end table Sora saw the thermometer. He took it and popped it in his mouth to check. "This way if he complains I have proof that I'm feeling better."

He glanced at the result. "37.5°C, I normally have a temperature between 36.5 and 37 but 0.5 degrees isn't anything to stay in bed for." Sora concluded before grabbing his bag with some money and heading out the door.

Leaving the house he was surprised to see the streets full of people. "It's busier than I thought it would be."

Walking along he tried his best to remember the way to the morning market. Looking at the different shops he came across a jewelry store. He had no interest in jewelry but through the window a ring caught his eye. The ring was a simple with the same beautiful silver as Keyne's magic.

"Come to think of it, exchanging rings is normal when two people get married on Earth. I should buy it for Keyne." Sora mused as he stared at the beautiful ring on display.

"But then again, what if exchanging rings isn't something couples do here? It could also have a different meaning in this world. I should ask Keyne about it first. The only problem is that if I do ask him it won't be a surprise. Maybe I could ask the shopkeeper instead?" Sora continued to stare at the ring through the window as he debated getting the ring.

"Even if it is okay, I've never seen Keyne wear jewelry. But Keyne does like showing off our relationship. Having a ring that signifies our relationship would probably make him happy." Sora remained motionless like a statue.
"Buying something so impractical right now wouldn't be the wisest choice. However, I haven't gotten Keyne any gift or done anything to thank him for all his help. Plus a wedding ring seems appropriate to show how serious I am about our marriage...." The more he thought about it the more he wanted to buy it.

"I'll just go in real quick and ask about the price. That and if it's okay to exchange rings for love." Sora thought as he finally entered the shop.

Once inside Sora saw a large selection of rings, necklaces, broaches, bracelets, and wands? "Why are their wands in a jewellery store?" Sora wondered as he gazed at the wall of wands on display.

"Good morning are you interested in purchasing a wand this morning?" The shopkeeper asked from behind the counter. Looking at the woman she seemed more stocky than most. Her bulging muscles even seemed a little frightening. He hair was perfectly braided into a tight bun and she looked to be in her late 40s.

As Sora gave her a quick look he soon noticed her height. "She's standing on a bench? Is she a dwarf?" He thought and suddenly the muscular body seemed to make sense.


"Sorry, I was actually wondering about one of your rings in the window." Sora said with an apologetic nod.

"It's not a problem. Which ring has caught your interest?"

"It's the one near the middle. The beautiful silver band." Sora said as he followed the woman over to the display case.

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