Chapter 81: Construction

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"Keyne, will our stuff really be okay here?" Sora wondered as the last of their things was packed away in a storage unit.

"It's fine." Keyne assured him.

He had to admit that the storage unit looked a little run down. Despite it's neglected appearance it was guarded by the guild and was the most reliable place to store their things until they had somewhere to put them at their new home.

Construction would officially start tomorrow. Keyne and Sora ended the rental of the house and would be permanently camped out until their new home was built. A temporary house would be built for them that was better than a tent, however it wouldn't be big enough for their things. In fact it would later become a woodshed.

With the storage room finally packed and the boat loaded they prepared to head out. They once again used Captain Kaver's boat. He had helped them many times before and after Keyne healed his leg he was more than willing to give them a hand.

With them was his son Kapelin. He looked nothing like his roguish father. In fact he looked skinnier and more fragile than Sora. However they had agreed to hire him to help with the cooking during the construction period.

The ship was filled with food for the most part. Sora and Keyne had purchased tons of potatoes and other vegetables that wouldn't perish quickly. The last few days Sora was busy cooking and jarring food at the house.

He had 300 jars of pre-made soups. He got the idea from instant noodles. He put the dry seasoning, dry noodles, and dry vegetables in a jar. All they would need to do is add water and boil it over the fire and they would have a delicious soup that could feed ten people. He made 300' hundred of these so they would last several days. These soups would be for lunch and had a few variations so it wouldn't be the same every time.

He also made 300 hundred different sauce jars like chili, bolognese, and beef stew. He was surprised by the amount of dried ingredients he was able to get from the merchant and Outdoor Store. It was a lot to buy, and when he first asked for everything the staff looked at him angrily for hoarding food when people were starving outside the gate.

Thankfully, Keyne smoothed things over by hunting several monsters and turning them into dried meats. With Sora's recipe the value of the meat outweighed the dried vegetables they had bought and the staff were no longer unhappy.

Arthek also helped smooth things over by explaining that the food was to feed almost 200 people over a long period of time while they did construction work.

In the end, after some negotiation Sora was able to get ahold of a large supply of dried foods and mason jars he could use to make instant meals.

He also took care of breakfast with premixed pancake batter minus the wet ingredients like water, butter and eggs.

The way Sora saw it they would use one jar per team of ten. Each team would have someone designated as their cook. They would also supply a portion of meat for each meal.

1 meat + 1 jar + 1 bread = 1 meal for ten people.

Keyne and Gwynn were in charge of the meat. Sora and Kapelin would bake bread and create new jars to replace the ones that were used. Finally, Kapelin's father would help them pick up the next batch of ingredients every week with his boat.

Setting everything up wasn't easy but Kapelin was more than willing to go over to the house and help from the start. Not just him but his mother and sister helped. Kapelin's mother helped Sora make the noodles while Kapelin and his sister, who was around ten years old, helped to measure and fill the jars according to Sora's recipes. They had a bit of a workshop going on at the house for a few days.

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