Chapter 58: Boat

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"You have returned quicker than anticipated. Was there a problem?" Gene said upon seeing the group again.

"We could sense the magical energy of an Elder Treant in the area." Blaine answered Gene's question.

Hearing the answer Gene did not look surprised. He had not said anything but while waiting for everyone he and Saira investigated the area. He too came across the Treant's magical energy.

The reason he did not say anything was because his reason for separating from the group wasn't to investigate but to wait with Saira. Revealing that he had been searching the area owned by Sora without his permission could potentially anger Keyne.

"Is my participation needed?" Gene asked. He believed his team would have asked for his aid if Keyne chose to confront the Elder Treant. Although he did not believe Keyne would need his help given his strength. However there was always safety in numbers.

"The Elder Treant will be dealt with at a later time. There is no need to concern yourself with it." Keyne said. His words sounded cold as though he was firing the team.

"Understood. Will we be departing for Lacus Town?" Gene said unaffected by Keyne's  frigid.

"Is there enough time to reach town before dark?" Sora asked. Looking at the sky they had maybe five hours of daylight left.

"If we leave immediately and make use of our magic arriving within a safe distance to Town before nightfall is possible." Gene said.

Normally being on a boat at night was considered dangerous for Loe Lake because of the monsters residing within. However the area near the Town docks was considered safe because of the security measures put in place by the Town's Lord.

"Sora do you want to spend one more night here or head back?" Keyne asked.

"The ingredients are running low and everyone looks tired." Sora thought as he looked at the group. His eyes lingering on the distant Saira.

"There's no reason to stay longer. Let's go." Sora decided.

No one had any objections to the idea. With things decided they prepared to leave.

"Gene were you able to observe the water in the area? Are there any monsters we need to be wary off?" Blaine asked as he began undressing.

"I regret to report I saw a few. There are signs of diablo sharks, solar fish, and the rarely seen Acipenseridae. None are considered aggressive to boats but must be guarded against if planning to swim." Gene said.

Sora could picture what a diablo shark and solar fish might look like, but his imagination lacked trying to imagine the Acipenseridae. "It sounds like the name of a dinosaur." Sora mused.

"Let's do the same as when we arrived and return to the ship in groups of three. Gene, Alma, Rogue will go first. Followed by Keyne, Sora, and Casa. Finally, Saira, Ebriel, and myself. Keyne are the arrangements okay with you?" Blaine asked.

Although Keyne did not like the idea of Saira watching his back, he also didn't like the idea of her reaching the boat first. "It's acceptable." Keyne said. It was after all the better of the two options.

With things decided no one wasted time and quickly finished undressing. As planned the first group departed without incident. Next was the second group.

"Sora, I know you are an amazing swimmer but try not to increase the distance between us." Keyne said.

Last time it took all his effort to keep up to the quick Sora. Which wasn't a big problem considering Sora could leave the water quicker. This time Sora would need his help to get into the boat. Keyne didn't want to risk having Sora separated from him in open water for any length of time.

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