Chapter 111: New Recipes (pt.2)

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The next morning Keyne woke Sora up early. Today would be the official day he started keeping to a routine and Keyne was determined to help. He didn't want to see or hear Sora having a meltdown again.

At that time it broke his heart listening to Sora blame himself for everything bad that had happened. To cry and swear that he was cursed. His body shaking as he struggled to breath while sobbing. Sora trying hard to push him away and fight to break free from his embrace. He had seen Sora upset before. But never like this. It scared him.

When Sora told him what it was and the cause Keyne became even more scared. Worse when Sora explained that sometimes the stress, anxiety, feelings about the past, present or future can build up beneath the surface and explode like a volcano.

Some people call what happened to him a meltdown, panic attack, anxiety attack, or a breakdown. There were many names for it. All with slight differences between them. Sora didn't care about the specific name. He also didn't want to explain the differences. He even switch names for it while talking to Keyne to keep it vague.

The point Sora was trying to make was that he never meant for it to happen. He didn't even know that it would. It was a surprise to himself as much as it was for Keyne.

He had tried to explain to Keyne that depression and mental disorders aren't necessarily curable only manageable. You can get through it but never truly escape it. That what happened in his past could have unpredictable consequences on his present.

Keyne didn't really understand. The only thing he knew after their talk was that it could happen again. Sora had told him that keeping a routine could help, so that's what he intended to do. Even if it meant forcing Sora out of bed early in the morning.


"No!" Sora grumbled. He was warm and comfortable and didn't want to get up. Keyne didn't back down. He pulled the blankets away.

Sora reached out for the blanket, but Keyne took his hand before he could reach it. He pulled Sora's hand close and kissed it.

"Sweetheart, my love you need to wake up. I'm not letting you go back to sleep. Let's go." Keyne said before tapping Sora on the butt.

Sora glared at Keyne for the light tap.

"What? You don't like that?" Keyne asked with an innocent look.

Sora begrudgingly got out of bed. He slowly headed to the bathroom, then step by step completed his morning routine.

Keyne was satisfied and did his own morning routine. When he was done Sora headed for the kitchen.

They only had four eggs left. Sora decided to use two of them them for something a bit more complicated. He decided to use the strawbarb to make muffins. He had a good muffin recipe he used to make.

For the muffins he decided to use the strawbarb they grew the day before. Strawbarb grew like rhubarb but tasted sweeter like strawberries with just a light touch of tartness. Sora was confident they would taste great and Keyne could take some with him.

Along with the muffins Sora also made pancakes. He didn't have maple syrup or honey, but he used the last of the plumberries and strawbarb to make a sweet sauce they could drizzle on the fluffy pancakes.

Sora made a towering pile of pancakes. He placed them all in front of Keyne except three. He felt bad about the night before. Keyne had said he had eaten his fill, but Sora heard him snacking on some dried meats later after he had gone to bed.

"Tonight, could you bring back two blade birds for dinner?" Sora asked.

He decided to make up for his earlier mistake. He decided he would roast two whole blade birds for Keyne. If there were any leftovers he'd use them to make Keyne some sandwiches or in a soup the next day.

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