Chapter 53: Midori

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With the team now split everyone was feeling down. They didn't know what had transpired for Saira and Gene to separate and return to the boat. However they had their suspicions.

Ebriel and Alma were quiet by nature. But now even the usually vocal and rambunctious Rogue was silent.

"Keyne this isn't good. We can't expect everyone to work well if they are walking on eggshells." Sora stated with concern.

"Sora the adventurers were hired by us to do a job. They aren't our comrades or friends." Keyne said.

"I'm aware. However working under stressful conditions increases the risk of mistakes being made." Sora said. Seeing how everyone's mood was depressing and on edge because of him filled Sora with guilt.

"Sigh* Sora I understand. But there's no way to return things to the way they were before. I won't forgive that woman for hurting you. Let's just finish what we came here to do and move on." Keyne said.

Sora wasn't satisfied with how things were going but he also didn't know how to fix things either. With no solution in sight they continued moving through the forest.


With everything that happened they skipped lunch. Keyne was concerned for Sora and had him snack on some dried meat as they walked, but it was unsatisfying and only reminded Sora of how different things had become.

With that in mind Sora decided to make hot pot for dinner. They had a lot of bear meat and Sora and Keyne managed to find some wild greens similar to bok choy. Along with the dried vegetables Sora felt it would be a satisfying meal.

Setting up the tent Keyne placed the still sleeping Terra Ursa cub on the bed.

"Keyne is there something wrong with it? It's been asleep for hours." Sora asked.

"Nothings wrong. I've been using magic to keep it asleep." Keyne explained.

"You can do that with magic?" Sora asked with surprise.

"It's possible using spiritual magic. However the spell is only effective against monsters or people who are significantly weaker than yourself and easily manipulated." Keyne said.

"It doesn't feel right to force it to sleep." Sora said as he knelt down next to the little cub. Placing his hand on it he felt the cool touch of its green fur. "It feels like a soft bed of grass." Sora thought.

"It can't be helped. It is a monster. Until it's been tamed it's unsafe to let it move around." Keyne said.

Once tamed he could add restrictions to the cubs behaviour. These restrictions would naturally include forbidding it from harming Sora. Until then it was too risky.

"Can you not tame it soon? We still have a few days before returning to Lacus Town. It's unrealistic to keep it asleep until then." Sora said.

"I can tame it now while we are in the tent. Although the contract will still give off a light the others won't be able to decipher what spell I've cast." Keyne said. It was his intent all along.

"Thank you Keyne." Sora said before making certain the tent door was shut tight.

Keyne no longer delayed. He shook the little Terra Ursa cub awake while Sora watched from a safe distance away.

Waking up in an unfamiliar place the little cub quickly moved to the corner.

"Mama? Papa?" The little cub said as it looked around the room shivering.

"They are gone. You are alone now and have a choice to make. You can wonder the forest weak and alone, or form a contract with me." Keyne said to the little cub.

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