Chapter 64: Dilemma (NSFW)

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Having given up the ring Keyne could only stare at his empty hand. Sora noticed but said nothing. After all, it was impossible for Keyne to wear the ring before it was resized.

"Keyne, are hungry? I made dinner. I just need to pop it in the oven to heat it up and we can eat." Sora said.

"I am hungry, but not for food." Keyne said his tone low and seductive as he gazed at Sora. His gaze so intense it sent a chill down Sora's back.

"Keyne, that's not what I meant." Sora said nervously.

"I know. But sweetheart what do you think about my meaning?" Keyne said his now empty hand reaching for Sora's waist.

Sora was at a loss. A part of him knew he wouldn't be able to escape being intimate considering he had just proposed. Even so, he couldn't help but feel nervous and a little scared.

"It probably won't end with just our hands tonight." Sora mused.

"Are you nervous?" Keyne asked when he saw Sora shrink away from him.

"Keyne, I know we've kissed and even used our... our hands, but the only experience I have is with you. My knowledge of how men... you know, is limited." Sora confessed hesitantly. His face turning a deep crimson as he spoke.

"I've noticed." Keyne said with a smile. Hearing he was Sora's first made him even more excited. His hands itching to grab hold and defile the pure and innocent man in front of him.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do exactly. Like preparation and what I am expected to do when we do 'that'. My understanding is really limited to brief exposure to yaoi books and manga. Nothing real or comprehensive."

Sora worked in a library. So he knew just about every type or book available in the library. He was even asked from time to time where to find certain books. Even the popular erotica and yaoi genres. But knowing where to find them and taking a quick glance at their contents gave him a rather twisted depiction of love between two men.

"It always looks so painful for the person on the bottom." Sora thought as he recalled the few manga images he saw.

"Will Keyne also expect me to be on the bottom? I mean I know size wise I am smaller than him." Sora thought as he glanced at the man in front of him. His eyes lingering at Keyne's waist.

"Sora, you can leave the preparation and details to me. I'll help you and make sure the experience will be good for both of us." Keyne said with a confident and reliable tone as he moved closer to Sora.

"Wait, could I be on top? Although I don't know much I do know someone has to ... Um... 'receive' the other. And honestly being the receiver seems painful. I also feel like the cleaning might require a special type of knowledge. Do you..." As he spoke Sora looked up at Keyne to see his reaction to his proposal.

Looking up he found it hard to continue talking. Seeing Keyne look at him with a complicated expression surprised Sora.

"I knew it, he was totally planning on making me the bottom!" He exclaimed at the sight of Keyne's eyes on his body.

"Sora, sweetheart. You aren't wrong, the one 'receiving' as you called it does need to clean a certain area more thoroughly. They also might experience some pain in the beginning... But all these problems are handled by the other person." Keyne carefully explained.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked. Seeing Keyne hesitate with his words and nervously look around caught Sora's attention.

"Sora, as the person with more knowledge and understanding of love between two men I must insist on being the 'top'."

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