Chapter 67: Budget

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Entering the Guild Keyne didn't wait in line but headed straight for the stairs.

"Shouldn't we tell them we're here before going up." Sora asked.

"He should be expecting us." Keyne said. He had no intention to waste time in line. He wanted to finish their task and return home quick so he and Sora could enjoy some alone time. He knew he couldn't do anything too intimate but he could still look forward to kissing Sora and holding him in his arms.

Knock... knock...

"Come in." Arthek said from the other side of the door.

"Good afternoon Arthek, do you have time to discuss our home, now?" Keyne said moments after opening the door.

"Keyne, Sora, I've been expecting you. Come in and have a seat." Arthek said with a smile. He seemed genuinely happy to see them.

Keyne wasn't shy and quickly chose a place to put Sora down. With the three of them settled around a table Keyne quickly pulled out the map they had made of the area along with some details concerning where things would be built.

"Is this the map of the area? It's well made." Arthek said after a quick Look. Keyne and Sora had done their best to have even the smaller details like the soil quality, elevation, types of plants, and so on added to the map.

"We hope this map can help with the construction. The sooner things are decided, the sooner we can start construction and finally move into our new home." Sora said from the side.

He didn't hate their current house, but it wasn't their home. He also needed something to do. Once the house was build he'd have the farm to look after and could finally feel useful again.

"It certainly does help. Looking at this we'll need to start by building a dock without one it'll be hard bringing in the men and all the tools and materials. This distance is also a bit of a problem. The construction crew won't be able to do daily labour. We'll have to camp and live in the area, that or find a village nearby for accommodations." Arthek pointed out as he looked at the map.

"We're aware logistics are a problem. We've discussed it and we'd like to hire as many people as possible to build several areas simultaneously while living in the area." Keyne said.

Using Keyne's added funds they decided it would be best to throw money at the problem and get things done quickly rather than slow and steady. That doesn't mean they would allow any drop in quality. But waiting for the house to be built wouldn't help their financial situation in the long run.

"In that case we'll need a crew for the dock, the house, and this aqueduct? Never heard of it before." Arthek said when he saw the list of buildings Sora and Keyne wanted.

"The aqueduct is another term for a waterway. The water will be drawn from Loe Lake and using this rocky area brought towards these plans to irrigate the farm."

"It sounds similar to building a reservoir. I have a crew with experience building reservoirs, waterways, and digging up wells. They should also be free to help. But this distance, if you want it done quick some additional hands will be needed." Arthek said.

"There are a lot of people without work right now, we plan to make use of the situation and hope you can help us hire as many men as needed to help. We also need experienced farmers to help prepare this area to be farmland.

"Farmers huh, we have been getting a lot of them coming in looking for jobs. Not just us but the adventurers guild as well. Looking at this we could easily hire over a hundred men to do all you're asking for." Arthek said. To be honest he was glad Keyne and Sora planned to hire as many people as possible.

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