Chapter 119: Prince Jodi

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Keyne was careful this time and didn't choose which boxes Sora should carry. He decided to leave the choice to Sora and helped the others load the heavier items.

Sora tried his best to carry boxes but there weren't many he could manage on his own. Feeling bored and a little useless he decided to wander off to the market. Keyne was busy so he told Captain Arlo who was walking by.

"Captain Arlo, if Keyne wonders where I am could you tell him I went to the market?"

"Be careful there are a lot of unsavoury guys around." Arlo said with a relaxed tone.

Sora felt a little weirded out by Arlo's concern. But decided to brush it off and hurry over to the market. It was already noon and the market sold out of everything good quickly.

He looked through the market disappointed by the selection. He hoped to maybe find more anana fruit or something new. Sadly the selection was terrible.

"Why hello there. You look like a man with impeccable taste. Care to try this luscious fruit I have over at my stall? It was grown in the south and boasts a delicious and mild flavour like custard. You will not find a creamier fruit anywhere else in the kingdom. Come now and try a piece." A man called out. He grabbed Sora's arm and pulled him towards a dark alley without warning.

"Where are you taking me? Let go!" Sora shouted. He didn't like how this strange man suddenly grabbed him.

"Is he trying to abduct me? Rob me? Murder me?!" Sora thought as he struggled to break free from the man's surprisingly firm grip.

"Forgive me. I've been trying to sell my bounty for hours but none are willing. Worse I was banished to this dark corner of the market by the other vendors. It's truly unfair. Simply because it smells a little off does not mean it is not delicious. People need to be more adventurous with their food." The man continued. He had stopped walking but had yet to let go of Sora's arm.

Sora looked at the man curiously. He seemed a bit flamboyant with his bright red clothes and open collar. His hair was shoulder length with a slight wave giving it an attractive bounce. He had a goatee which surprisingly suited the young man's attractive face with a bright charismatic smile.

He wasn't as attractive as Keyne, but he was good looking. More charming and amorous than strong and heroic in appearance. The type of man one would often see on the cover or foreign romance novels depicting Latin lovers.

The man smiled delighted by Sora's inquiring gaze. "Do you like what you see?" He whispered as he leaned close to Sora's ear. Sora immediately stepped back but found himself pressed up against the wall of the alley.

"Stop! I am a married man." Sora exclaimed in a muffled voice from his hands covering his mouth.

"Married? How exciting." The man said as he leaned closer.

Sora was appalled by his advancement and wanted to get away.

"Don't touch me. My husband is strong and he will break every bone in your body if you touch me. I swear he can be very protective and jealous!" Sora boasted in a panic.

He knew he wouldn't be able to fight the man. Despite the man's slim appearance Sora could see his firm muscles through his open collar.

"Is that so? You must be a fine man to catch the eye of someone so strong. Makes me want to have a taste for myself." The man said more interested than before.

Sora was at a loss he hated being in a position where he might be violated at any second. The strange man had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. In his mind Sora debated calling out for Keyne.

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