Chapter 73: Gwynn

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Sora and Keyne returned to shore to set up camp. While Keyne set up the tent Sora was busy preparing dinner.


From the bush not far away Sora could hear something moving.

"Is it a horned rabbit or blade bird?" Sora thought. They had seen several in the area so Sora wasn't alarmed or afraid.

"As long as I don't get close it should be fine."

Sora decided to ignore it and continued flipping the BBQ skewers as they cooked.


"Is it getting closer?" Sora wondered. Then upon turning around he saw a tuff of fur through the leaves.

"That's not a rabbit? KEYNE!" Sora called out for Keyne who was busy inside the tent.

Right on queue Keyne burst forward sword at the ready.

"What wrong?"

"There!" Sora called out his finger trembling as he pointed at the bush.

Keyne's eyes narrowed. "Sigh* It's fine sweetheart. They aren't dangerous." Keyne said.

"Aren't dangerous? What are they?" Sora asked as he approached Keyne curiously.


Keyne whistled loudly and from the surrounding woods dozens of large gray wolves emerged.

"Wolves!? How are they not dangerous?" Sora wondered as he moved closer to Keyne.

"Gwynn come out and introduce yourself." Keyne commanded.

"Gwynn? Keyne are they your tamed monsters?" Sora asked with sparkling eyes.

"They gray ones aren't. But the large white one is." Keyne said as he pointed towards a large wolf with fur as white as snow. It's cool blue eyes staring back.

Sora could tell from its eyes it was an intelligent monster that was currently judging him.

"Gwynn, stand down. This is my partner Sora."

"Partner? This scrawny young man is?" A beautiful surreal voice said to Keyne with doubt and surprise.

"I'm warning you Gwynn he is the man I love, my mate, my husband, and you and your pack must treat him with respect and care." Keyne said back. He had decided to talk aloud for Sora's benefit with the tamed monsters whenever possible.

"Does she not like me?" Sora asked.

"It's not a matter of like or dislike. She just doesn't know about our relationship yet.

"I see. Hello Gwynn. I'm Sora. I'm not very strong but I will try my best to be a good husband to Keyne." Sora said. He wasn't sure what would ease the wolf's distrust but he tried anyway.

"So he is aware of his weak status but still insists on being with you? You humans are a strange sort." Gwynn said.

"Keyne it doesn't look like she accepts me." Sora said when he noticed the wolf's unimpressed expression.

"It's not that. Wolf monsters choose their mate based on strength or skill. It's difficult for her to understand your appeal. But that will change as she gets to know just how truly wonderful you are." Keyne said as he gave Sora a hug.

"He is my spouse and you will listen to him." Keyne said telepathically to Gwynn with an intimidating aura exuding from his body.

Everyone but Sora could feel the pressure of Keyne's aura. The pressure caused them all to lower their heads and slowly retreat. Everyone except Gwynn who only lowered her head slightly.

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