Chapter 146: The Plan

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"Please Welcome His Majesty King Jowan." Announced Butler Hanz. Sora stood up on shaky legs. Despite having a better opinion of the King after meeting him several times he still couldn't avoid feeling nervous.

The King strode into the room and headed for the slightly raised chair at the head of the table and quickly sat down.

"Sit down. No need to be so formal." The King said as he sat down himself. Despite his words everyone waited until he was comfortably seated before sitting down.

"Have you and Archmage Galen had a chance to speak?"the King asked.

"Sir Sora has given me a short demonstration of his magic. As for its potential use more information is needed." Archmage Galen reported.

"Is that plant from your discussion?" The King asked while pointing at the plumberry plant Sora had previously grown.

"Sir Sora grew it. Is it not amazing? We need put it in a pot or the garden quick before it dies." Archmage Galen said.

"Butler Hanz go get a pot." The King ordered.

"Could you get a few more?" Keyne asked before Butler Hanz left. Sora was likely going to grow another couple plants to demonstrate his magic to the King.

Butler Hanz waited for the King's confirmation before leaving to get the pots.

"Sora and I have been running our own informal testing but it is difficult to know his limits given what we could do. One thing that is clear is that we need help if Sora is going to grow a large amount of crops for the Kingdom." Keyne said.

"We are more than willing to provide the labour and resources needed to successfully implement the project." The King announced.

This began the official meeting to discuss what they could do to help. Keyne explained their plan to spend three days a week growing crops not far away from Loe Lake. The days in between would be used to pollinate and harvest the crops grown by Sora.

"The issue concerning which plants should be grown is concerning. Potatoes once a week seems reasonable considering they do not require hand pollination. However wheat would be the better option. It can be ground into flour and stored for months. It's much more versatile." The King said.

"I'm aware wheat would be the better choice but it requires time to pollinated unlike potatoes."

"About that, Keyne do you remember my suggested to return by carriage? Maybe if it's potatoes that are grown things would be okay? I wouldn't need to wait for them to be pollinated before leaving again. Plus potatoes can be left in the ground for a long time. Even if the weather gets colder." Sora suggested.

"You'll exhaust your magic." Keyne said. He was obviously unwilling to agree to Sora's suggestion.

"Have you tested the limits of Sora's magic?" Archmage Galen asked excitedly. Which only possed Keyne off more.

"Sora nearly had burnout when he first activated his magic and grew that tree. I don't want to push him too hard and risk his life." Keyne stated while glaring at Archmage Galen.

"We've been careful but Keyne is still worried I might lose control again. It's also one of the reasons we've been slowly considering our options." Sora said.

"What if I come with you? I understand and can recognize the signs of burnout and magic exhaustion. If Sir Sora seems at risk I can immediately put a stop to it and help him recover. We can also use it as an opportunity to study and better understand his magic." Archmage Galen suggested.

Sora looked at Keyne hopeful he would agree. Archmage Galen had a point about studying his magic and they could help a lot of people along the way. Keyne seemed less than enthusiastic. But he couldn't outright refuse given how helpful it would be for the Kingdom.

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