Chapter 26: Chef Sora

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"Sir Keyne, is that a Thunderbird?" The captain asked the moment they returned.

"Have some men butcher and clean it. We'll be eating it for lunch." Keyne commanded.

Everyone nearly jumped up to cheer at the order. Although they ate well at the palace because of the small farm they still needed to tighten their belts. Prices for food and water had risen by a lot and the variety of foods they could get were pitiful. With the Thunderbird they could eat there fill without guilt and it was delicious.

After dragging the large bird Sora was no longer as afraid it might rise up again and attack. Gathering his courage he moved closer to watch the men butcher the animal. "I've prepped birds before, but never any that big. I wonder if there's any differences between animals from earth and monsters in this world? The cockatrice I used for the curry didn't seem too different aside from the obvious snake tail and bat wings." Sora thought as he slowly moved closer.

"Sora stand back." Keyne said as he pulled him back.

"Why? Is it dangerous?"

"No, but given the size it will be bloody. It's best to let them handle it." Keyne explained.

"I can't say I'm okay with all blood, but as someone who likes to cook it doesn't bother me." Sora said as he tried to get closer again.

The guards moved quickly. First they dug a large deep pit using magic. Then they swiftly sliced the thunderbird's head off and began draining it's blood. The sight of the red blood pouring out of the lifeless body like a waterfall was nauseating even for Keyne who had often witnessed such scenes and gone into gruesome battle against monsters and people.

"Sora?" He cautiously called out only to find Sora had pulled out a notebook and started taking notes.

"Keyne, aside from the size is there anything else that makes butchering large monsters different from something like a cockatrice?" Sora asked.

"Everything is the same but the larger size requires a great deal of strength and specialized tools." Keyne  explained a little stumped by how calm Sora was acting.

"In that case I think it would need to go to a butcher if I want meat from larger monsters." Sora mumbled. He never expected to be able to hunt them himself, but he did hope to try the different kinds of meat if possible.
It took some time but with the use of magic and several guards working together the Thunderbird was butchered and sectioned into manageable chunks.

"Keyne do you mind if I prepare lunch for us?" Sora asked. He had gotten inspired by the large bird to make karaage. It was a dish he didn't eat often because of the oil but seeing how there were many people and he had the ingredients he thought it might be tasty.

Keyne didn't like the idea of him cooking for so many people, if would be a lot of work and he couldn't help but feel a little possessive. Even so, he couldn't say no and pass up a chance to eat Sora's delicious food again.

"Are you planning on making curry again?" He asked. He knew it would be unlikely considering the amount of spices he would need to use and their outdoor setting, but when he recalled the taste he couldn't help but ask.

"Although curry is convenient to eat with large groups, I was thinking of making something much simpler. It's a dish called karaage. Basically you coat and deep fry meat in a pot of oil. It's really simple and delicious." Sora quickly explained.

Keyne had never heard of anyone "deep frying" food before. Even so he trusted Sora's judgment. "I'll have the guards in charge of cooking come help you. Just tell us what you need." Keyne offered.

"I need flour, baking powder, starch, oil, salt, pepper... Keyne do you think a little spice would be nice or should I make it more of a garlic flavour? Actually ... let's do both. I'll make 2 batches for more variety..." Sora quickly began listing all the ingredients he would need as he walked over to the supply carriage where he kept the spices and herbs he bought. Keyne didn't delay either and quickly put the men to work preparing a work station for Sora.

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