Chapter 128: Paternity

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Keyne took a few minutes to prepare himself before finally walking in through the door. Sora was currently filling a metal bowl with large chunks of strawbarb and placing a large log on top. It was a a tool Chef Jameson had sent them along with the jam recipes.

At first, Keyne didn't know what it was but Sora literally jumped for joy when he saw it. Apparently it was the food processor Sora had asked him for. Now Sora used it every day while cooking jams.


Keyne watched as Sora pulled the ripcord to slice the strawbarb into smaller pieces. Enjoying his little machine Sora smiled bright. His smile was like a dagger piercing Keyne's heart. He hated knowing what he was about to tell Sora would take away his sweet smile.

Sora looked up and saw Keyne standing there. He was surprised but glad to see him.

"You're back early... is something wrong?"

Sora started out happy, but soon became concerned. He could see from Keyne's expression that something was wrong.

"I love you." Keyne said.

Keyne's sudden confession only made Sora worry more. He stopped what he was doing and walked over to Keyne to hug him.

"What happened?" Sora asked.

Keyne hadn't settled on the best way to tell Sora. He looked down at Sora hating how he had already worried him just by showing up unannounced. At the same time, he was grateful the mood was appropriate for bad news.

"Sora, the nobles have begun plotting against me. They want me to return to the Capital at any cost even if it means lying and scheming."

"What did they do? Are you going to be okay? Whatever it is I'll be right by your side. They can't hurt you." Sora didn't know what had happened but he was already worried and ready to take Keyne's side.

"Thank you my sweet. Your words mean a lot. I only hope you don't change your mind after hearing the accusation." Keyne said. He took Sora's hand and decided it would be best to continue the conversation while sitting down on the bed. Sora didn't object and obediently followed.

"Sweetheart, I swear on my life that I have never lied to you about my previous relationships. When I told you that I never had an intimate relationship with the woman Genevieve I meant it."

Hearing the name Genevieve Sora immediately frowned. His eyes narrowing. "What did she do? Is she trying to steal you from me? I won't let her have you. You are mine." Sora stated with a strong and assertive tone.

"I'm yours. I will always be yours. I swear I have only ever been yours. However it seems Genevieve is pregnant and she is claiming that I am the father."

Keyne decided to rip the bandaid off and tell him what was said. Sora stared Keyne in the eyes. Observing his every twitch. Keyne was afraid. He was afraid Sora would doubt him. That he would hate him.

Seconds felt like minutes before Sora finally took his hand. "I believe you. That woman drugged you once. It's not unbelievable that she would pretend to be pregnant with your baby."

Keyne hugged Sora tight. A lone tear escaping from the corner of his eye. A tear Sora had seen while observing his expression.

"I will make this right. She will not ruin our marriage or our lives together. I won't let her." Keyne said as he buried his face in the crook of Sora's thin neck.

"How can this ruin our relationship?" Sora asked. He thought the pregnancy scandal would be just that a scandal. Nothing that could harm or affect them directly.

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