Chaoter 46: Finally Setting Sail

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Sora began preparing pre-made food and the meat to be smoked while Keyne packed their bags. They had decided to divide and conquer so things would move quicker.

Sora had planned several dishes that were easy to make and delicious. Not having the luxury to spend hours marinated and mixing spices he decided to make them ahead of time. They had bought several bags similar to sandwich bags back on Earth that could be reused to store food.

According to Keyne the bags that were see-through and felt similar to plastic were made from the remains of a monster. It's appearance sounded a lot like a jellyfish. But apparently it could be found in abundance in Loe Lake.

He made some curry roux, jerk chicken rub, BBQ spice, dry soup, stew, or hotpot mix, and other typical herb and spice blends he could use when cooking outdoors.

For the smoked meat he made some spicy using chili and black pepper, a sweeter version, and a salty one. He didn't want to make them all the same to avoid getting tired of the taste.

For dinner he decided to make a large roast, his plan was to eat it for dinner and use the leftovers to make sandwiches the next day. They had bought a large amount of bread at the bakery so he could make sandwiches for the next couple days.

He also marinated some meat they could eat for dinner the next day. It would be heavy but he hoped it would be okay.

Checking on the roast Sora pressed the tips of his fingers on his lips. The heat from the stove had touched his lips and reminded him of the earlier kiss.

"Sora, I've finished putting the different meats in the smokers. Is there anything else you want me to do?" Keyne asked.

"No, you've done enough. You should take a break." Sora said. He still remembered his earlier thoughts about not leaving all the work to Keyne.

"Sora, I don't need rest. If anyone should be getting rest it's you." Keyne said as he hugged Sora from behind.

Sora's face turned red at the sudden intimacy. But he didn't reject it.

"I'm fine. It's just a matter of using a little magic and watching the food cook." Sora said leaning into Keyne's embrace.

Keyne lightly kissed Sora's temple. "My sweetheart that's the amazing part. It takes years of training for people to be able to control the fire as well as you. Not only do you keep the heat constant you can have several flames burning at once at different intensities."

"Is it meant to be hard? I just imagine what I want and it does it. I don't understand what can be so difficult?" Sora said not quite believing Keyne's words. "He must be saying it to make me feel better." He thought. As he look over his shoulder at Keyne.

They quietly gazed into each others eyes.

"Will he kiss me again?"
"Should I kiss him again?"

They both thought as they moved closer to one another.


"Shit! The potatoes!" Sora suddenly exclaimed. Pulling out of Keyne's embrace he opened the oven to check on the potatoes he had boiling in a pot.


Because they were busy dinner wasn't until late in the evening. It was some roasted Brutus cow meat with a few vegetables and mashed potatoes with gravy. He had made a similar dish while they travelled with the Blue Taran and Keyne was more than happy to have it again.

"Keyne I want to bring oil so we can deep fry some food but do you think it will be too heavy?" Sora asked as he looked at the food piled up on the table.

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