Chapter 134: I Love You

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"Butler Hanz, can we go in?" Prince Jodi shouted the moment he opened the door. His feet never slowing as he approached the door leading into the King's chambers.

Butler Hanz didn't even bother to try and stop him like he had every other noble who appeared to complain about Koll's appearance. He simply nodded and allowed them to pass. Following behind the Prince Keyne and Sora also entered without difficulty.

The other nobles looked towards them displeased by the sight. Yet, none said a word. No one could debate the King's most trusted aide Butler Hanz. Even if the person trying to go see the King was a well known assassin intent on killing their king.

"Father, how have things been while I was away?" Prince Jodi asked.

"Your mother and sister are doing well." The king said.

"Didn't the prince ask about the king?" Sora wondered a bit confused by his answer.

"That's good. They don't know I'm back yet, do they?" The prince nervously asked.

"Do you believe I could keep it a secret after you arrived in such a grand manner?" The King said. The Prince's eyes looked around nervously after hearing the king's response.

Sora pulled on Keyne's sleeve. Keyne bent down to listen when he noticed Sora had something he wanted to say.

"Does the prince not like his mother and sister?" Sora whispered quietly.

"He can't handle them." Keyne answered back.

"I am perfectly capable of handling them." Prince Jodi proclaimed.

"Handling us? What do you mean you can handle us?" The Queen asked from the doorway.

"Sora your back!!" Princess Ewella said as she pushed past her mother and ran over to Sora.Keyne caught the young princess before she could jumped into Sora's arms.

"Keyne, are you jealous? I was going to hug you too after saying hello to Sora." The Princess said.

"Princess, please understand I am a jealous and poss dive husband and can't bear to see him hug any other." Keyne said half-jokingly.

"Oh, please. You don't have to worry about me. I mean he's cute but I prefer someone more masculine. You know with muscles." Princess Ewella said.

"Then I suppose I should be the one jealous of you hugging my husband?" Sora joked.

"Hahaha! Keyne's more like a big brother. I don't want him. How have you been? I heard from chef Jameson you made jams. Did you bring any?" The princess immediately began chatting without restraint.

"I am and I did. But... Sora looked over at the King who was sitting behind his desk with a kind smile.

"Dad? Don't worry about dad. I'll have Butler Hanz send for some bread so we can try your jam right away." Princess Ewella said.

"Princess Ewella, although it would be our pleasure to join you, we have a busy day. Could we reschedule it for another time?" Keyne said. The princess wasn't thrilled with the idea.

"Ewella, they are busy. Jodi, I expect you to come to dinner tonight."

"Yes, ma'am." The prince meekly responded.

"Good. Ewella let us be on our way." The Queen said. She then urged the Princess out of the room.

With them gone, things became quiet again. It was an awkward silence.

"Sir Keyne, there is no need to act distant. We've known each other for years and these are my private chambers. Speak freely." The King said with a slightly melancholic tone.

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