Chapter 34: Where's the Beef?

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"Sora wake up." Keyne said as he gently shook the sleeping Sora. Sora mumbled and grabbing the blanket buried his head. Keyne wanted to laugh at how cute Sora looked as he tried to escape.

"Sora, wake up. There's something I want you to see." Keyne said as he pulled the blankets off Sora. Sora groaned in defiance.

"I know it's early, but wake up. You don't want to miss this." Keyne continued trying to coax him awake.

If it was any other day he would have let Sora sleep. However they had found a herd of Blue Taran. Considering they weren't dangerous as long as you understand their behaviour and what to look for Keyne wanted to show them to Sora.

He also wanted Sora to get used to seeing people fight against monsters using weapons and magic. "He needs to get used to life here in this world." Keyne thought as he kept trying to wake Sora.

"What's wrong?" Sora mumbled as he reluctantly tried to open his eyes. He wasn't used to being woken up early in the morning. Usually Keyne would let him sleep.

"Nothings wrong. But there is a herd of Blue Taran not far away. I want to take you to go see them." Keyne said. He planned to let the guards hunt one down, but the moment they attack the Blue Taran would scatter Sora wouldn't be able to see them unless he got up now.

"Blue Taran? Isn't that one of the monsters you mentioned live in the plains." Sora said as he sat up.

"They are. Here are you glasses. It's a bit early but I think it is worth seeing them." Keyne said as he urged Sora to get up.

Although his head was still in a daze after just waking up he agreed with Keyne and wanted to see the monsters known as Blue Taran.

"Keyne said they were edible. I hope we get one. We don't have many ingredients left. Only potatoes, some root vegetables, and cured meats. Sora thought as he crawled out of the carriage.

With a big yawn he surveyed the surroundings but saw nothing. The only things around them that Sora could see were several grassy hills off in the distance. They were beautiful with blue flowers growing from them but not the monsters he expected to see.

"Where are the Blue Taran?" Sora wondered as he looked around. "Maybe they're further away?"

Keyne could spot the confusion in Sora's face as he looked over the horizon.

"Do you see those hills over there?" Keyne pointed out.

"Are the Blue Taran hiding in that area?" Sora asked as he moved to get a better look.

"Not hiding. Those hills are the Blue Taran."

"Are they considered plant monsters?" Sora thought after giving them another look. They didn't seem like animals. In fact they didn't look like anything but hills. "Didn't keyne say they moved in herds? What plant moves in a herd?" Sora thought. The disappointment on his face evident. Sora had hoped they would be similar to cows or sheep. Something he could make a hearty meal out of.

They aren't plants but they have a unique way of camouflage. Their backs are covered in grass and those blue flowers you see are called the Blue Taran flower. They are an important medicinal herb. It only grows on their backs and it's because of those flowers that these Taran are called 'Blue'." Keyne explained.

Sora was surprised by everything Keyne was saying. But he still couldn't tell that the hills in the distance were actually monsters. That and Keyne hadn't told him what he wanted to hear most.

"Sora they don't only grow medicinal flowers but taste delicious. I'm going to send a few men out to hunt one. When I do the Blue Taran will scatter. At that time you'll see their true forms. But you'll also see us killing one of them. Will you be okay?" Keyne asked. He was worried the sight of them hunting would scare Sora.

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