Chapter 92: Turbulence

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"Keyne, what's that?" Sora asked.

Happy to have a pair of glasses again Sora had been looking off into the distance. There was nothing to see until he saw a flash of something glistening beneath the surface.

Keyne looked in the direction Sora was pointing at. At first, he didn't see anything. But then he felt it. A strong presence started heading towards them.

"Captain it's an attack!" Keyne shouted. He then ran to the boat's bow and prepared to attack.

"Sora, move away from the side! Brace yourself!" Keyne shouted. Recalling how Sora was injured just days earlier Keyne was scared. His hands shook as he waited for the monster to approach.

The Captain wasn't weak. He knew how to protect himself and his boat on Loe Lake. But when he saw the distinctive shimmer under the water's surface, he went pale. There were three monsters lurking in the deep Loe Lake that every fisherman dreaded. The devious Kelpies, the elusive Memphre, and the most the destructive;

"Morag!" Captain Kaver shouted.

The moment he shouted a large serpent like beast burst out of the water. Its beautiful silver scales glistened beautifully in the sunlight. A striking contrast to its hideous fangs protruding from its mouth.

Captain Kaver pulled out a harpoon. He was prepared to try his absolute best to fight off the menacing monster. However he did not need to do a thing. Keyne shot out multiple wind blades. Each one cutting deep into the monster's body.

The Morag screamed in pain. It dove back into the water. But Keyne wouldn't let it escape. He formed a whirlpool and pulled it back up to the surface. Its body struggled to swim against the current.

Keyne needed to prevent it from diving deep. If it escaped the morag would continue threatening the lives of fishermen. Worse was that it was located on route between Lacus Town and the new house.

The whirlpool shook the boat violently. Sora grabbed the boat's mast for support.

"Sora!" Keyne called out. He couldn't look away but his worry for Sora proceeded all else.

"I'm fine!" Sora shouted back as he held tight to the mast.

The monster was dragged closer, writhing and screaming. Keyne felt better after confirming Sora was okay. He launched another round of wind blades towards the monster.

Sora was in awe. Staring at Keyne who stood on the bow in a striking and dominating pose; the sun beaming; water glistening, a silver halo surrounding him as he cast his magic. Sora was afraid but for a brief moment he forgot about the danger. "Handsome!" He thought.


Keyne continuously sent wind blade after wind blade towards the monster. He aimed for the monsters neck. Until finally with one last loud scream it was decapitated.

Captain Kaver was ready to cheer when the monster ceased moving.


From behind a scream was heard. It was another Morag bursting out of the water. What made the Morag so frightening wasn't only its fierce nature, but the fact they travelled in pairs.

The captain nearly collapsed. He knew about the Morag and how they travelled in pairs. But in the brief moment of elation from seeing the first defeated he forgot.

Keyne on the other hand wasn't surprised. Expecting the second to show he had already created a large spike made of ice. The moment the monster appeared he launched it.


With a single swift move the monster was skewered through its head from inside its wide open mouth. With both monsters dealt with Keyne shouted.

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