Chapter 103: Cold

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Sora grumbled. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. He didn't know what time it was or how long they had done it before he fell asleep. He was a little dazed but something was nagging at him.

He sat up despite his stiff and tired body. He didn't understand why. Usually after engaging in 'that' he would feel too lazy to move. But this time, the moment he woke up he felt uneasy and didn't know why.

"Keyne?" He called out.

Usually he could feel where Keyne was. Even if he wasn't in bed with him, he could still feel it. There little cabin wasn't that big after all. Not to mention how he was always close by after making love. But something wasn't right. It was too quiet, too cold.


Sora didn't receive an answer. He normally wouldn't panic but he was always more sensitive after connecting with Keyne.

"Keyne!" He shouted a little louder. He hoped maybe Keyne had simply gone to the bathroom and would return soon.


Sora's emotion began swirling. He was angry Keyne was not close by when he woke up. He was worried something had happened to Keyne. He felt cold. He was even a little scared.

His body creaked as he lifted himself out of bed. Usually Keyne would carry him around when he first woke up and give his sore stiff body a massage. This time Sora didn't have Keyne to pamper him.

He stood up and found his glasses on the shelf next to the bed. Keyne must have put them there for him. He was always considerate about the little things.

Sora cast a light spell to brighten the dark room. He looked around the house for any sign that might tell him where Keyne had gone.

As luck would have Keyne did leave a note. It was on the table placed under a little stone so it wouldn't fly away.

My dear sweet wonderful husband,

I'm sorry for not being there for you the moment you woke up. I wish I could be. There is no other place in this world or any other world I would rather be than by your side...

Sora skimmed through several more lines of Keyne apologizing and cheesy words. Nearly half a page later he finally found the point of the letter.

... Sweetheart I received a message from a contact informing me of an "inspection" of sorts. You see word of your beautiful tree has gotten out and it has attracted the attention of a few unsavoury nobles. It's not a big problem, but I don't want those nobles to get anywhere near you or the tree. So I plan to head them off and stop them from setting foot on our land...

Sora was surprised by the revelation. Not because the tree caused a commotion. He assumed it would only be a few workers thinking it strange or maybe feeling a little frightened. He never expected the Capital and nobles to become involved.

Sora's breath grew shallow at the thought that the life he was building with Keyne might be in jeopardy. He wanted to see Keyne right away and talk to him. He wanted to understand things more clearly. But he couldn't.

Taking a deep breath Sora managed to calm down enough to continue reading Keyne's letter.

... My love, my sweet love...

"I wish he would stop filling in so much useless filler. I know he loves me. He doesn't need to drawl on about it and waste precious paper." Sora complained aloud with a light smile. He once again skimmed forward to try and find the useful information.

... Don't worry my love. This isn't a problem or anything you need to concern yourself with. It's just politics. Your title and my presence by your side completely protects you from all of this. I'm just going there to remind them. It will be solved quickly. You have nothing to worry about. I'll be home soon...

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