Chapter 131: The Great Wall Of Pillows (sorry it's not NSFW)

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Sora felt a lot better after going for a long swim. He returned to their new house feeling light hearted and wanting to see Keyne. He had come to a conclusion regarding their earlier discussions.


"Sweetheart, you're back. How do you feel? You look more relaxed." Keyne said from the kitchen.

"Keyne, I'm sorry. I overreacted about the money. Your suggestions were thoughtful and great. I want you to know even with how I acted earlier my feelings never wavered. I love you. I love that we got married. I didn't want to attack you like that. I should have been calmer and... and..." Sora rushed to say everything at once. Keyne swiftly walked over to him and gave Sora a soft kiss.

"Sweetheart, I'm glad we talked about it. We should always talk about these things. Our relationship will only get better if we talk." Keyne said as he hugged Sora tight.

"Come help me unpack." Keyne said wanting to put the earlier troubles behind them and reignite the joy Sora felt when he first saw the house.

"Have you finished unpacking the kitchen?" Sora asked.

"I just started. I wasn't sure were you wanted to put everything so I've just been unwrapping things."

"We need to wash them first. They've been sitting in boxes for a long time. They are covered in dust and and dirt we can't just put them in the cupboard as is. We also need to properly wash the cupboard as well. There is saw dust and grime leftover from the construction work.

"You're right. I'll go get the cleaning supplies." Keyne said before hopping over to one of the many piles of boxes placed around the room.

The two of them went to work cleaning. "Go take your shoes off. I've wanted to say this for a long time but wearing shoes in the house is stupid. It does nothing but bring dirt in. Go take them off. We can by slippers later for now socks will have to do."

"Is it normal not to wear shoes indoors in your world?" Keyne asked as he removed his heavy boots.

"Not for every country, but in mine yes. We take our shoes off at the door and use slippers in the house. We don't currently have slippers but I can make some or we could buy some later. Do you not like the idea of not wearing shoes indoors?" Sora asked.

"No problem. I think it's a good idea. It will keep the house cleaner and it's comfortable." Keyne said.

Keyne took on the task of cleaning the ground floor while Sora did the loft. He started by washing the floors and wiping down all the surfaces. They didn't have much in the loft area. Only the large bed, two nightstands, and a dresser.

There were only two walls. The back wall was tall and reached the peak of the ceiling. Because windows were expensive they decided to only have them at the front facing the lake and a few more in the bathroom. The bed was pressed up against the back wall and the shorter dresser was placed on the other wall that was at an angle because of the A-frame roof.

Keyne looked at the large space between the bed and the railing. Looking down at the ground floor and the lake view.

"Keyne was right a lounge chaise, some chairs, or a bench at least would be perfect here." Sora thought as he wiped the fireplace. It was unused so there was no ash inside yet.

Looking over the edge he saw Keyne mopping the floors below. He worked fast. Years of working odd jobs, than as a squire and a knight had made him an expert. He made quick work of the floor and moved to wiping the counters and every other surface.

Watching him clean Sora began to focus on Keyne. The way he moved. The way he looked as he cleaned was enticing.

"Maybe we can save the unpacking for tomorrow?" Sora mused as he watched Keyne work. Then turning back he saw the unmade bed.

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